Day31GreatReleaseDecember 31 – Day 31 – Great Release Program
by Silver RavenWolf

Sun in Capricorn
Moon in Scorpio 4th Quarter
Mars moves into Aries

The Sun is at the midpoint of its journey through Capricorn – and I find it interesting that most people do not look at the path of the Sun in the signs of the zodiac as an unfolding journey like they do with the moon, or even the other planets.  Most think about the Sun in the public astrology concept; but, did you know that in ancient astrology it was your rising sign that was considered most important — not the sun sign?  Today, most people dote on where the Sun was positioned when you were born; yet, shove it aside in one’s daily routine.  I see the vibrations of the planets as energy bands – pulsating bits of light, sound and the unseen — each as equally important as the other.

When you walk through fog, moisture kisses the skin and enters the lungs.

When you walk through fire, flames touch your being – your flesh and your spirit alike.

When you walk through air, seen and unseen bits of life and death enter your body through your breath.

When you walk through dirt, you meld with that dust.

What happens, then, as you walk through each astrological energy band?

What happens, if you think about a sign or a planet and then tap out an energy pattern, one that rises within you because it resonates with the waves of being that comprise the sign or planet?  Immersed in the sea of their being, tapping to synchronize the idea to the power — using the vibration of the drum, bells, or a simple stick upon the earth.

A stick that reaches to the heavens, and draws down to the earth?

And, what if this stick had a crystal attached to it?

Or bits of copper.

What then?

But what if you have no stick.  No copper.  No crystal.  What if all that you have?  Is your own true self…

And the whisper of your flesh as palm rubs against palm.

What then?

Do you link the pattern of the sound to the pattern of the thought?

Do you continue the repetition until the thought dissolves?

And if you do — what then?

Only you know.

Your Challenge Today:  Now that you have read the above – would you like to add anything to your New Year’s Eve or New Moon Ritual on the 5th of January?  Don’t forget that the 5th is also a Solar Eclipse.  The challenge today:  Perform your New Year’s Eve Ritual

Your Second Challenge:  Flower of Being Meditation – I developed this meditation while working in my garden.  You see, I believe that nature shows us the way.  All the things we think are secrets?  Are truly here for us to know, in plain sight – if we open our eyes and accept the connection.  Every day, Nature shows us the way.  But, we are often too busy.  When we are occupied with the affairs of Gods and Men, we miss what is uniquely important for us to see.  I believe Nature, in Her being, holds all the answers.  If we link mentally and spiritually to Nature, and truly believe this is possible, then we understand our path – because we connect with all things.  Nature is the doorway to the Universe and all that lies within it.

And the breath is the dance between the worlds.

When we shift, silly things fade away.  Purpose is revealed.

It isn’t just mystical.  It isn’t just “real world”.

It is the all.

Which just…is.

The Flower of Being Meditation is a way to walk between the worlds, and mentally bring back what we need in this time and place.  Because we sow the seed in the astral.

And we breathe it into form.

Far more important is the wisdom of the manifestation rather than the manifestation in itself.

The Flower of Being Meditation — There are two primary rules to this meditation.  You must believe that anything is possible and you must be very clear on your intent.  Set those in your mind first before continuing.  The desire cannot be anything negative – if it is, it will consume you.

To begin, think carefully about what you think you need right now.  It can be anything.  That need is a seed.  What does it look like, that need?  Is it round, dark, purple?  Does it have pink spots on it?  It is what you make it, that seed.  And it can look any way you like.  If you feel your mind vacillates too much, write down your intent and repeat it three times.  You will burn this paper after the meditation.  Until then, place it close to your heart.

Sit comfortably.  Inhale and exhale with deep, relaxed breaths.  Your breath carries power.  Respect it.  Enjoy it.  Savor it.

Put your hands in the Ten Points of Power position, with thumbs lightly touching chest, fingers touching fingers, but open spaces between the fingers.  Imagine that the seed rests in the empty space between the palms.  As you breathe, the seed is given life force.

You naturally carry the five elements within you – earth, air, fire, water, the sea of potential (ability to make things come to life to manifest on this plane – the power of spirit).  Breathe these elements, one by one, into the seed.  In your mind, watch the seed grow, change colors, vibrate – the image is yours and yours alone.  In your first try, the order is not essential.  Later, if you study alchemy, you may choose that type of line-up.  But, for now, don’t overthink it.  Just breathe.

And then, with one long, sweet breath – blow birth into the seed.  Immediately open both hands, palms up to the heavens in front of you.

In your mind, you may see the seed, and each palm connect in a triangle of light, or you may feel a sense of elation.

In a burst of joy, the seed opens into a magnificent flower – the flower of your intent.

What does that flower look like?  Take the time to examine it.  The colors, the texture, the size, etc.

Smile and let the image go.

Return the hands to the Ten Points of Power and thank the Universe for this gift you have just received.

To solidify your desire, to support it, to seal it (you choose the wording) either write a description of the flower, draw it, or collect pictures and create a mixed media rendition of what you visualized.

This flower in your garden.

This flower that will have its own cycle of life and death.

Of growth and change.

Of life and death.

And rebirth.

When you have received what you desired, burn the paper or drawing, giving thanks to the Universe.  Even if you believe in nothing, then that is something.

Remember – No matter what – give or throw something away today.  Release!  Release!  Release!

Your Photos — We have two last pics for you sent from program participants and both are super lovely!  The first is a dream sachet, and the second photo shows lovely gnomes surrounded by Good Luck Trolls!  Amazing!  Thank you both so much for sharing your ideas and talents!




  1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
  2. Practice the Rattle Bath/Crystal Cleansing – earn one gold star.
  3. Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar.
  4. Did you remember to invoke your special symbol first thing when you woke up?
  5. Perform the Flower of Being Meditation – Earn 10 stars!
  6. Perform your New Year’s Ceremony – either this evening or tomorrow – Earn 10 Stars.
  7. Practice one 3-Minute Dash.  Earn 1 star.
  8. Practice one Dust-Up! Earn 1 star.
  9. Tonight, remember to practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review. Earn 2 stars!
  10. Do a mental review of your day before you fall asleep – make it quick – don’t let the mind stick.

Conclusion:  It was such a pleasure to work with you this year!  We have gotten so much accomplished!  Although you may not know it, each day, every day, I sat for 3 to 4 hours to create your posts, including the artwork to go with them.  My family always asks me why I don’t write the work ahead of time – why I pressure myself to perform each day.  My response is that I want to touch the energies of the day – as they are right now – to bring you the most relevant techniques.  I use astrology, your comments, and my experiences to create the posts so that they will be as most timely as possible, and yet…I know and understand they are timeless once put into form because each year people have told me that they re-read these posts and use many of the techniques repeatedly. I also know that there are people who will start this program in July, long after we have finished, and it will work as well for them as it did for you.  I genuinely believe in the web – and it is that web that I draw upon as I write.

Every moment is precious.

Every moment is filled with its own power.

Thank you so much for the pictures you added that helped to empower the program.  And I thank the universe that we didn’t have any computer difficulties!

May you receive many blessings this year.  May you be granted wisdom, joy, good fortune, and protection.  And may you always be loved.  Thank you for being with me on this journey — it could not have manifested in its glorious way without you.

Peace with the Gods
Peace with Nature
Peace Within.

Silver RavenWolf

During the coming year, feel free to visit my shop, FB Author page, Instagram or Twitter.

Day 31 – Great Release Program – Monday – 31 December 2018 – Silver RavenWolf


Day 30 – 4th Quarter Moon moves from Libra to Scorpio

Sunday – Sun Planetary Day

Two more days – today and tomorrow and we will have completed the amazing cycle of personal regeneration.

Your Challenge Today:  Review and Touch-Up – If you have finished all of your goals – today we concentrate on review and touch-up activities.  First, take the time to write down all you have accomplished.  Pretty amazing, right?  Know that since you have done so much in so little time that goals in the future, those you thought you could not fulfill – those that you felt were too large and so you never felt it could be possible — can be dispatched in the same manner.  Small task by small task.  Project by project.  You can do anything.  Life is really a pattern of little bits that we fashion day by day.  This month, we worked an activity at a time. With each task, we unburdened ourselves.  During your New Year’s ritual?  You will choose to unfurl the amazing form that you have created by your actions – unfettered by the heavy energies of this plane.

You will have created an amazing new you.

The second part of today’s challenge is to touch-up anything that has managed to slip back into the old pattern.  Keep an eye on those areas in the household/work that quickly filled once cleared.  Why?  What was drawn back to that area?  In your behavior, what can you adjust to avoid the same pattern?  What shift in energy can you make to allow the chi to flow free with revitalization?  Are you putting too much importance on the wrong thing?  A crippling belief?  A misconstrued idea?

Only you know.

Remember – No matter what – give or throw something away today.  Release!  Release!  Release!


  1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
  2. Practice the Rattle Bath/Crystal Cleansing – earn one gold star.
  3. Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar.
  4. Did you remember to invoke your special symbol first thing when you woke up?
  5. Review and list your accomplishments – Earn 10 stars!
  6. Finish open tasks and revisit all de-cluttered places to make sure they have stayed that way! – Earn 10 stars!
  7. Practice one 3-Minute Dash.  Earn 1 star.
  8. Practice one Dust-Up! Earn 1 star.
  9. Tonight, remember to practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review. Earn 2 stars!
  10. Do a mental review of your day before you fall asleep – make it quick – don’t let the mind stick.

Peace with the Gods
Peace with Nature
Peace Within.


Day 30 – Great Release Program – 30 December – Sunday – Silver RavenWolf