About Me

Author, Silver RavenWolf and several of her popular books.

Born:  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1956

My writing career began with how-to articles on art projects and fictional short stories that blossomed into a full-time career in 1991 with my first full-length book.  Since that time I’ve written over 23 books for Llewellyn World Wide.  Wife of 40 years, mother of 4 grown children, and grandmother, I have been interviewed by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, US News & World Report and various other newspapers and radio programs.  I have appeared in television news spots throughout the country and featured on PBS and A&E Biography.

My personal interests include writing short story fiction, photography, quilting, candle making, gardening, and creating enchanted spirit dolls, which include my Beboodles and Taco Cat among many others.

Silver and her Spirit Dolls
Silver and her Spirit Dolls — 2017

As tradition head of the Black Forest Clan, I can tell you that we have grown exponentially in the past twenty years.  In 2012 we achieved legal clergy status, with clans in 20 states, Canada and Italy.  In the BFC, we never hive — we multiply.  We pride ourselves in training excellent clergy and family support.  We are a unit of bright, strong, intelligent souls ever seeking and welcoming our connection to Spirit.

Always a blessing.

292 thoughts on “About Me

    1. hi Silver,
      i really love a your books. I was wondering if you have any covens in the east tn, crossville area. i am solitary but would really like to work within a coven environment and have a mentor/teacher. Hope to read more of your work.
      Robin Densmore

      1. The Black Forest Clan has grown exponentially. We are currently choosing who will coordinate coven recommendations. Thank you for asking.

      2. could someone possibly email me with any info on this? I would appreciate it. I have been working alone for a long time and really feel as if I need a mentor or teacher now. Lost my job today and still in shock and need to do something…my whole life seems to be falling apart. please help with prayers if you could. not asking for anything else. blessings to all Robin

      3. Hi, my name is Shelby and i’m new to all this but my boyfriend and his family introduced me to the craft. And Christianity has never really felt like the right answers for me, but after reading your book To Ride a Silver Broomstick, its kinda helped me feel like maybe this is the right religion for me, i find it extremely beautiful in every way. and i was wondering if I could ask you some questions, but i understand if you’re busy and this book while informative i found at time very humorous which i also very much enjoyed.

      4. I would like to start by saying blessed be too all that have the heart and bravery to stand for what you believe in. I have been studying religion in general for 20 plus years and personally there is nothing about witchcraft that is a modern day religion it should be more looked at as a way of life. The reason I say this is that the modern day religion is nothing but a business and I would not want this wonderful way of life blemished by being associated with modern religion. I have the solitary witch and it has been a well of information and direction. I am more druid/shaman then anything else as far as my out look on a belief system. I was raised southern baptist so everyone that is in the bible belt i feel your pain. Oh and Ashley not everyone that wears a symbol of witchcraft openly is looking for a fight. I wear mine to make someone ask me about it so that I can educate them if they are willing to listen. I one day want to open a faith based book store of all the world faiths so that maybe they will talk to each other on day looking for a book and find out they have more in common then they realized. The beginning of truth is the removal of ignorance.

      5. Hey Silver!

        My name is Zoe Blakeslee, my mother and I were in a bookstore and I picked up your book Teen Witch, and my mother told me she had the pleasure of spending a whole day with you once. My mom’s name is Jennifer Blakeslee, she and I live in the Spokane WA area, do you know of any covens around Spokane and Cheney WA? Mom is teaching me more about the Craft, so that’s why I’m wondering.

        Thank you! Zoe Blakeslee.

    2. Hellow Silver,

      I first read your work when I was 13 years old and even wrote you a letter. I was looking for help in finding someone to help me learn more about the craft. I was so excited when you wrote me back, you offered me many suggestions and helpful advice and gave me your permission to write letters back and forth with your daughter whom was close to my age. I unfortunately was unable to do that due to my home catching fire the day after I received your letter and was so disappointed that I lost the address and books that I had that you authored. Long story short, Still a huge fan. Love your work and wanted to reach out to you and thank you for showing me the kindness as a child that I had not received before. You were an inspiration to me

    3. Your Solitary Witch book helps me all the time, I use it so much it’s starting to fall apart, I will have to buy another one.I was just wondering if you have ever Actually heard The God & Goddess speak out loud& answer them I have, I hope that’s normal whatever normal is.I had asked them to intervene & The God said we can’t. & I said well if u can’t intervene who in the hell can, no disrespect I said, no reply from them speaking out loud But I guessed my voice surprised them. They a very interesting The Lord & The Lady, most of the God’s & Goddess are, I was surprised to hear they could not intervene. I still want to know why?? And if they can’t? really who can? Blessed be from WYOMING.

    4. blessed be sister ravenwolf. i need the help of anyone in the circle with my son. he suffers from night terrors and has a shadow with him. we have seen shadow creatures about our son and cant do anything on our own to help him. you are one of the followers of the path whom we know to turn to for help. this has gotten really bad and our coven members are at a lose. if you or anyone you know or anyone who reads this can help please contact me through my email. ainverwelles1369@gmaiil.com I hope to hear something soon as this has been going on long enough he is 12 now and has had these shadowmen with him most his life i dont know what me and my wife did if anything to bring this curse on our son but please help if you can. merry met merry part merry meet again. Blessed Be your brother ainver proden welles

  1. Your words are not only an inspiration, but they feel right… Just like you are coming home… Thank you for all you do…

  2. Hola buenas noches Silver:

    Mi nombre es Diosa wiccana, en honor a la Diosa Isis por que me gusta muchisimo, me hubiera gustado escribirte en ingles, pero no se el idioma solo unas palabras, pero si vi el video que hay de channel biography.
    Y oi que usted estudio aqui en España, y me gustaria tener contacto con usted,asi poder aprender mas acerca de la Wicca, y aprender de usted claro esta si usted quiere claro, no quiero obligarla a nada por que entiendo, que usted estara muy ocupada.Reciba un cordial saludo y bendiciones feliz encuentro feliz partida y feliz encuentro, que asi sea asi sera.

    1. Hi good morning, I’m from Spain, I’m Wiccan, but I have little in this way, I have several of his books, and I find very interesting, but the truth is long, at least two of them. How to make a magic caledero and Riding the Silver Broom, although I missing a few more, but clearly are in English, hopefully they could edit ottra time in Castilian, the first I wrote, because I am sure that librosur I mentioned him above, I do not think they were his first books, I’m sure there are more. But that is going to make me’ll settle with which I have certainly surprised me that you speak of angels, because when founder just talk about them rather I would say that does not believe in them. A case to read his books must CEER in los angeles, because then it would be like returning to Christianity no ?, is just my opinion in question, if you can and have time you can answer it, and it will understand that this busy, as it is logic. Greetings from Spain, my name is Salete

      1. Greetings! In my book I explain some of the history of angels, including that the belief in them predates Christianity and is cross-cultural, that Gabriel and Michael were both actually people whose legends grew into elevated positions (something like a lwa in Voodoo), and how many individuals actually see departed loved ones as angels. Thank you for asking.

      2. The truth, that when my father died 20 ago, and that night appeared to me like a normal person, even with a fairly blinding luzi, I saw him as an angel, because he had no wings. Anyway many thanks for responding, as expected no answer, since you know that this busy, with ceremonies, conferences etc. And now that Yule approaches, will be busier than ever, so many thanks for responding. and wanted to wish you a Happy Yule, with all your loved ones and the Gods, the protect you and your family.

  3. Silver, words cannot start to describe the impact you have had on my Pagan and Written life; you are the reason I love the written word, and the Pagan world but even thats not enough. I emailed you a couple of years ago, saying I’d become a well known writer and credit my success to you, and back you up even though the critics were harsh … I will absolutely keep my promise and keep on buying your books and learning the Craft through your wisdom … The good thing was that you replied which absolutely made my day, and my heart. From the bottom of my heart, thank YOU for everything. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙂 Love Liam, NZ.

  4. I’m suddenly finding myself immersed in this thing called Wicca and it feels like coming home. I’ve been ordering books, reading and learning learning learning. Hope to learn more from your work. Aromatic blessings, Liz Fulcher

  5. Silver,

    I apologize for posting this here, but I can’t find any other way to contact you.
    For nearly three years now I have spent every Friday volunteering as a Pagan Chaplain for the California Department of Corrections and the Department of Mental Health. I have been recognized by the state as a “Minority Faith Chaplain” and I assist these state agencies in providing religious services and assisting in religious accommodations for Pagan inmates, and serve as instructor for a 12 week course: Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions for the department of mental health.

    Although I am proud to say I have been very successful in my endeavors, I am geographically limited to a few institutions in my immediate area. So I have begun developing materials I can send out to assist both inmates and the institutions which house them.

    I was inspired by Author Bo Lozoff, who wrote We’re All Doing Time, a guide to getting free. Bo started the Human Kindness Foundation, a non-profit organization, through which he provides free copies of his book to inmates. His book is about meditation, yoga and eastern philosophies as a spiritual foundation for their self improvement and rehabilitation.

    I have just completed my own book written for inmates, Carcer Via, an inmate’s guide to the craft. My book is essentially a Wiccan version of Bo’s idea, as I will be providing free copies to inmates and patients through my own non-profit. It is my most sincere intention to assist those seeking spiritual rehabilitation through the Craft. 100% of all revenue generated by this book will be recycled back into further production and distribution of more books for more inmates.

    The final chapter of the book is “Spells for Cells,” I am seeking “encouraging word” submissions from Pagan authors intended to encourage both new seekers and seasoned Pagans to use the Craft as a spiritual foundation for their self improvement and rehabilitation, while in an often negative environment and simultaneously dealing with religious discrimination issues. If you are willing to contribute a letter of advice or encouragement to this project, or have any questions about the project please contact me.

    Five Fold Blessings,
    Joseph Merlin Nichter

  6. I want to live the magickal life . Please teach me. I live in Southeast Missouri, right in the middle of the bible belt. I have no one to talk to about anything Wicca. There is so much I want to learn and experience.
    I have felt like a lost soul for many years even while attending various churches. Until recently. I started researching Wicca online and buying many, many books and now I feel like I have come home. ( That’s the only way I can describe how I feel). There is still so much for me to learn.

    1. Bible belt?.. wow that’s a tough place for an aspiring witch. Bright blessings on your journey & if i can be of any assistance …just let me know. BB

    2. Pamela i have felt as you do, I live in Texas and there is allot of the same here…i to have recently started in the last three months researching about Wicca, ive not been able to buy books but there is countless information and websites to see….witches vox, wiccatogether.com pagan friends usa…all of these have facebook pages as well, and of course there are a number of facebook pages that I visit on a daily basis, one of my favorites is called The Coven Of Avalon :))) I really enjoy their page….blessed be and good luck…)0(

      1. i have followed you Silver from 2010 i even bought your book Angel companion , i am in South Africa and here is very difficult to get most of your books if you can fill me with the magick info i can be ve…ry ve…..ry happy we do not have magick school here

      2. I feel your pain :(. The area I live in is VERY much embedded with Christianity, and if I were to ever “come out of the broom closet”, I can guarantee that I and my children would be ostracized. I can only leave it in the hands of the Goddess and God. I’m so thankful for the Internet and one local store where I can purchase books second-hand!!!!!

    3. I know how you feel but take heart, for one day someone will show up in your life like they did in mine. In the mean time, read read read.


    1. Nicole! The more the merrier! I’m so glad you are finding the program helpful! Yep, it is a very good day when you can look back and say: Thank the Goddess I’m not in that mess anymore! You go girl!

      1. Silver,
        Hey Lady. I have been off wondering around a while and finally found you again. I am glad to see all is well. I know I will enjoy your information here. I never get too old to learn.

        blessings Lady Edenbolake

    2. Hello, I have been a solitaire for many years. Actually it has been a very for filling spiritual journey however left to my own thoughts and interpretations without any fellowship. I come from a very Christian upbringing, I love my family intensely and have not wished to alienate them so I have not put too much out there though I know they know. Anyway, this gets very lonely and frustrating with no like-minded comrades to discuss any thoughts with. I currently live in East Berlin, PA and was wondering how one reaches out and finds other Pagans? And not a group of people who just wish to buck the status quo and wear controversial jewelry and piercings. Being kind of weirded out by people who wear their beliefs like a statement have put me off for a long while because it feels so insincere like they are just riding a fad. So again, how does one find other sincere like-minded earth lovers in my area?

      1. Hello One with Gaia,
        I live in Hanover and am fairly new to my path. I get what you are saying though. It frustrates me to see the in-your-face statement jewelry and Facebook posts because I almost feel like the people doing that are looking for a confrontation or are playing at being a Witch. It’s upsetting. However, I keep trying to remember I don’t know the history, maybe the fight they are looking for is part of their learning process, idk… Who am I to judge, I’m brand spanking new, lol. I TOTALLY get it though, especially here, people here are so incredibly closed minded, to wear your beliefs that aren’t socially “normal”, you are setting yourself up for pain 😞

        I am lonely too. I’m afraid to contact a coven. I’m nervous I don’t know enough or I don’t know the right stuff. I’m afraid my beliefs won’t merge with their’s. I have a friend I talk to, but we are going different paths and we sometimes get into little tiffs because she thinks her way the only way sometimes and I am too stubborn to hear her out when she takes that stand. However, if you ever want to talk “Witchy Stuff”, hit me up. I’m pretty close and looking for friends that aren’t creepers 😊 mkashleyriley@yahoo.com

        Have a great day!

      2. Oh i so feel you on this topic!!! I also live in southeast Missouri. I love my family and i know they know and religion is the one thing that comes up often. Its always respectful. But at the same time i can’t celebrate my holidays with them. I can’t really have a discussion about past lives and ways to cast a circle. It would be awesome to have a conversation with a like-minded earth lover!!

  8. Hello Silver,
    My name is Stormy. I’m 15 and I’m a Freshman at Mapleton Early Collage and im doing a project on Wicca. I’ve always found myself being drawn to Mother Nature. I was Wondering if we could chat through email and i could interview you. I was at the library checking out books and i came across yours… I think they’re amazing.

    Talk to you soon,

  9. Hey Silver…You are such an inspiration…I’m new to the whole Wicca thing and I can’t seem to find a coven here in south Carolina…what should I do?

  10. hey silver. My name is gus i have been intrested in wicca for a while and have read a few books out of those i thought the most helpful had to be your Teen Witch book. I would like to perform my first basic ritual. I did read your chapter on it many times and the only thing about it i didnt truely understand was the part about the candles. In the book it states that any unused white candle would work but then it said sumthing about oil with i dint understand.
    I was wondering if you could explain the oil and candle thing to me and answer my other question wich is, do the candles have to be candles bought from a wicca or a occult store?

    thank you so much!!! i enjoyed reading your book so much and it is something i read every day. Thanks agian. Your curios follower. gus

  11. Silver,
    I have been studying the craft for almost a year, mostly inspired by your writings. I have a question that I have not been able to find thru my research and would very much like advise. When casting spells, it has been written that you should bury or keep remaining items close to you especially if you are working positive energy. However, in your book ‘Solitary Witch’, when you are casting a spell for the Money Wheel, what happens to the money wheel and the money in the wheel? Can these items be reused of should they be disposed of?
    Thank you for your time.

    1. What items should be kept and reused and what items should be disposed of? I am still in the learning stage and do not want to start be habits or contaminate my energy.

  12. I have read your book, Teen witch, and I’m eager to become a Wiccan because I had the same belief as wiccans do before I read your book. There’s just one thing that bothers me, it’s that I want to become a Wiccan but I don’t want use magic or cast spells until I know I’m ready but I’m not sure how I’ll know when I’m ready. I could really use some advice here, I’m so confuse.

    1. Scarlett Haze- Wiccan in training,

      Let me start by saying do little spell stuff just for you just to get the feel of it cause if you don’t practice you’ll never be ready to cast. Start with visualization; practice because in spells you have to see it already granted and for some people that is hard to do. Then do other things like doing a cleansing ritual in your home or drawing a spiritual bath whether it’s for beauty, prosperity, or protection( it’s all up to you). It’s easier to cast when the goal is for you because it’s something FOR YOU, so you want the request to be granted, so it gives you alittle more motivation. Also don’t over think things if you focus on, “It has to be PERFECT”, then you’ll freak out if you forget to light your incense, and then you’ve lost the focus on what you are trying to do and then it won’t be granted because you are wondering if you not lighting the incense at the beginning is going to derail your spell. Answer to that, it doesn’t. It’s all about intentions. I have done plenty of spells where I might have flubbed a step and I would just do it when I was mindful of it and my wish still manifested. Trust me when you are ready YOU WILL KNOW! It’s like an energy that tells you, you are ready, there will be no pausing in making the decision to become Wiccan. Don’t rush it, and enjoy the experience and the journey. It is quite the learning experience.

  13. Silver,
    You are always an inspiration. Several years ago when my husband had a heart attack and the careless surgeon gave him staph during the surgery (exponentially more dangerous to a diabetic that the heart attack) You kept him in your thoughts and sent much magic our way. Please remember him again Friday, 12/2/2011, as he undergoes surgery to determine the extent of the cancer he was diagnosed with last week. Many thanks, Blessed Be.

  14. Merry Meet Silver! ,
    I must say you are one of my favorite authors, you helped me when I started my training years back. I’ve studied Wicca for practicly all of my 17 years of living. Wiccan Blood runs in my family dating back to the 15th century, it’s truely a wonderful thing. But I must ask something, would you be willing to assist me in an interview? I am always trying to open peoples minds and am pretty good at explaining our ways and helping others begin to really accept the Wiccan Community and not discriminate against us. Im really successful 🙂 . But i am writting a paper for my senior year English Class on what is the best method is to persuade people to be open minded and accepting towards the wiccan community, and for the paper I need to interview Priestess’s and Priest’s of lots of faiths. I immediatly thought of you, because you discuss the topic in a lot of your books, but I would really enjoy learning and getting your wise insite and opinion of some of the questions and ideas.

    Please, please, consider this and get back to me.

    I would be thankful so much!

    May The Goddess Shed Her Brightest Blessings Upon You, Blessed Be )O(

  15. I have no idea if this will ever get to you, but I have to share regardless. I come from a long Hereditary line and have recently lost my teacher, my spiritual counselor and my inspiration when my Mom died. I’ve been lost of my path and in my connections with spirit. In the stages of grief, I’ve gone through numerous feelings (naturally) and lately, have been mostly “yelling” at my Mom for leaving without teaching me the skills to cope with her. When I finally stopped yelling (hey, I’m still a “kid”, it’s how we roll) I suddenly knew, without a doubt… I had to go hunting through her boxes of stuff that I’ve been mostly emotionally unable to face. There, shining bright, was your Sacred Flame book. Complete with Mom’s sticky notes, bookmarks, spell notations and more. I’ve taken to carrying it around me with me.. a blankie of sorts. Knowing that there’s finally the guidance I needed to get over this hurdle, to feel less alone on my path and armed with tools & humor that represented my Mom’s way of practice. I’ve owned numerous books you’ve written, but this one… this one … is the one and I’m a grateful for this chance to move past the grief and isolation and back to the magick that I’m born into. With all my gratitude, I thank you.

    With Hope,

      1. haha yeah, how do you think I feel? I’m a tattooed, roller derby mama who’s known for her toughness. I’ve lived an enormous life chock full of magick, strength, intuition and logic. Pretty dynamic combinations (as you know, being cut from the same cloth 🙂 ) and yet, here I am… lost with out my Mommy. All I can do is just laugh at myself during the crying spells and work towards reconnecting with my guides and accepting that I’m no longer the Maiden, while learning how to be the Mother now. Typically an adventure one would embrace, however…. I wasn’t ready to tackle this phase and am having to create grace out of childish anger. If that makes sense. Sacred Flame brought me back to some basics (energy clearing, space clearing, elementals and so forth) I desperately needed and the humor you write with- is similar to Mom’s way of teaching. Which, in a weird way… has brought me some comfort. I wish I was closer and could work under you’re training, but I know that my family would never allow it (Hereditary folks stick their own and all… it’s like a sorority sans keg parties and toga parties haha at least, that’s how mine works. Work work work Cinderella haha) it’s a big deal that I’m reaching out to share all of this now, but I had to give thanks to you. Seeing her notes, bookmarks and such… in you’re book- gave me the light I needed to see the future again. And I’ll always hold you in highest place of my heart for being part of such a major step in my healing process.

      2. You are a roller derby chick! OMG I am SUCH A MAJOR FAN! And you have given us all light to think about — what a lovely gift! I don’t think we’re ever really ready to tackle any phase of life — I drug my feet on the grandmother thing…I mean, I love being a grandmother; but, I just didn’t feel ready. Like being a mother, there aren’t any damned instructions pinned to their pinky fingers when they’re born, lol. But, you know, the moment we say to ourselves — get your shit together and get moving, this is how it is, now what do you want the rest of it to be like?– that’s the shining moment when we realize we can do anything, and be good at it. You go girl!

      3. It stings when both move on a few months apart and all everyone wants to do is evict them from this world simply because their bodies dried up. Then they start carving up all the “goodies”. Can I trade it all back for a few minutes time alone together? A few seconds? Maybe a handshake? Sorry, I’ll go back to my corner now.

    1. hI Rya..your story really touched me, Sacred Flame was my indroduction into the wonderful world of magic with Silver…..I too have a sacred magic cuboard like your mum precious box, I hope my daughter will take the time to exsplore my cuboard (me ) when I’m gone, when she was a little baby I saw the magic in her, I have always believed her to be a magiacal gift from the gods…she transformed me for the better, unfortantly as you said silver my precious baby didnt come with instructions pined to her pinky fingers, my disfunctional childhood and the rejection of my parents didnt help, been a mum has been the most beautiful and hardess job I’ve ever faced. …
      thankyou for sharing your story, bless you and your journey

      1. Same here. I was terrified to be a mommy bc of my parents rejection of me. My great grandmother raised me. She was a wonderful little half cheroke and blackfoot indian firecracker who practiced the craft. She handed me To Ride A Silver Broomstick and later Cunningham’s Living Wicca. Later it was my Catholic grandmother who let me spread my wings and fly.

  16. sheesh… I wish heartfelt-mental-downloading came with spell check. I’m sorry for the typos & grammatical errors.

  17. Why have you never written a Pagan/Witchy parenting book? You seem more qualified than most!

  18. I have been very lucky to have a very open minded and supportive mother and when I was 13 my mother allowed me to choose my own religion. She noticed that I was more spiritual then religious so she bough tme your teen witch book and i have been buying your books ever since. I like how it is so easy to understand and how you give plenty of room to make changes in some of the spells. There are so many authors that do not do that. So I thank you for that.

  19. I’m a newly dedicated to BFC (as of 1/8/12) and wanted to express my gratitude for all of your hard work and dedication to making this knowledge accessible. Someday I hope to tell you in person how meaningful this path has been to me. I’ve been in a study group with 3 of your own for 3 years and have found true friendship and a great deal of personal growth with them. I also love to read your books and have three of them going right now (I’m an Aries, so that’s just how I do things!.) Again, thank you Lady Silver from the very middle of me.
    With Great Respect,

  20. Hi Silver, Bob Hobbs here…the author/illustrator that contacted you several months ago about contributing to my new book. I haven’t heard from you since you emailed me via Facebook and I haven’t been able to contact you. So I thought I’d try your blog to reach you. Please get back to me at themoordragon@hotmail.com

  21. Hi – I am a former student of Morgana Sidheraven, and am trying to contact her. The NY shop number is not in service. Do you have a contact info, pls? Thank you Kindly. Kind regards-K

  22. Lady Silver ,
    do you do readings for people and if so how much do you charge?
    blessings Lady Edenbolake

  23. Saludos y bendiciones me atrevo a escribirle en espanol , porque la admiro muchos he leido algunos de sus libros y me ha servido de mucha ayuda soy aprendiz en solitario y como me gustaria poder comunicarme con ud. s0y de Nueva York .

    1. Gracias Mary! Thank you for your kind words about my books. I’m delighted to meet you! I would like to talk to you, too; but, right now, I’m caring for an end-stage dementia patient and don’t get out much. Many bright blessings to you!

  24. I have studied several different Wiccan Authors over the last few years and you are the
    only one I’ve felt right with. You are TRUE BLUE! I won’t even consider anyone else! I love
    how positive and real you are. You have a heart of gold and the magick that you teach
    is powerful and healing. You go, Silver!
    Blessed Be

  25. Hi Silver! My name is Carol Evans aka Aine Moonwillow. I’m writing to you from Cornwall Ontario, Ontario, Canada. I would like to let you know that you have been a huge inspiration to me since I first starting reading your books and found out I was a witch over 12 years ago. You have made me laugh, cry and even think. Everything i have done it was in your honor. now I’m a kitchen witch and i am almost finished completing my Book of Shadows. As weird as this may sound to you, I have always wondered what it would be like to be a friend of yours..I have wondered how to get a hold of you for many years.so. when I cane across your blog here, I jumped at the chance to finally thank you, and to send you all kinds of love, and it’s only because I feel like i know you. Thank you again for your beautiful works! All my love and gratitude!!

  26. Hello, It’s me again. Their are so many things I’d like to talk to you about, but I am a little leary
    about leaving my email address on a blog. If there is a way to do it, that would be cool.

  27. Blessed Be Silver. You are my muse and inspiration…And have been for thee last fifteen years…Thank you for opening my eyes to a new life and a new beginning…I am so grateful to you and your teachings. Much love and light always ~Jasmine Nightraven

  28. Blessed Be Silver. I have read your wonderful writings for many years now and truly enjoy them all. I wish thee blessings of light, magic, and pure energy. —- Raven Winterhawk

  29. Blessed Be Silver. The words you write lift my spirt I have two of your books and I intend on collecting more. Thank you for all that you write you inspire me I was wondering if you had any websites or know of any that I could keep in touch with the pagan community I have been practicing alone. Thank you for everything you have taught me and continue to teach me. I would very much like to keep in touch with you if you ever have time. Lots of love. My e-mail mtb2992@gmail.com


  30. Mama Silver!

    I want to offer you my gratitude. I’ll get to the why in a minute.

    I am pagan. An eclectic, mostly solitary witch, who has strong roots in mountain magic, hoo doo and yes, Christianity. It has taken me a long while to come to terms with my path, and my gifts. I will spare you more of my back ground for now, since this is mostly about my daughter.

    I confess. I listened to what other people said. I heard you were fluffy bunny. You only wrote recipe books for spellwork, etc. I dismissed your books offhand even when I worked in a bookstore. We actually messaged back and forth a few times on MySpace through Pagans Against Abuse. Recently, someone reposted a link of yours on facebook, and I checked it out. Soon after, someone offered my daughter a copy of Teen Witch. I have tried very hard to raise my kids open minded, and I have bought her other books, allowed her to participate in ritual with our friends, but I’d always avoided this book because of this stigma I had. My kids have been through a lot recently, and this time I said yes. Why? Because my daughter would get something in the mail, and it would be just for her.

    My daughter was overjoyed, and actually managed to sit on a fork and stab herself in the bum in her excitement. Today she came to me with the book, and said, “Mom, you have to read the introduction and the first chapter.” She excitedly shared your Rules for Witches, and talked to me about each of them, and what they meant to her. She told me she had three specific spells she wanted to do, and how she had finally gotten a grasp on what spellwork really is. I commented here and there with what some of the things meant to me. And she would excitedly turn to another page in the book, and share your thoughts.

    I said, “You know honey. I was wrong about Silver. I broke one of my cardinal rules. Getting to know someone for themselves and not who other people say they are.” Recently, I’ve had to allow a lot of people to get to know me for me, rather than who they were told I was. So this stung. How could I have done that? We talked about what had impressed me, and suddenly she hugged me and said, “Mom, I love that you can admit when you are wrong. I love that you go, ugh honey, I just did this. Don’t make this mistake.”

    My daughter has struggled since we left our abuser 11 years ago. She struggles in school. (and she is brilliant. Her IQ is far above mine.) One of the spells she wants to do is for school. She will be a junior next year and to graduate on time she is going to have to make up a lot of classes. She told me that she learned from you that it is important to reach out to spirit for help, that spells are kind of like very focused prayers. She knows she still has to do the work, but she is starting to understand how important a spiritual path is.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You got across to her in a way she can hear what I’d hoped to impart to her. You never knew what my prejudices were, you just did the right thing in writing this book in your compassionate and upfront way, and helped my daughter. (and I am sure many many others.)

    It is humbling; not only as a mother, but as an advocate in the Pagan community, to see that I allowed myself to be swayed without doing my own research. I humbly ask your forgiveness, and offer my gratitude.

    Love, Love, Love and Light,


    1. Rowan, that is the nicest post I’ve ever received. Give you daughter a great, big fat hug for me. She is well loved — in your heart, and from a distance, here.

  31. Mama Silver,

    It is merely what I owed you. Sincere thanks and gratitude and an apology. I will show her this post from you. She will be smiling for days. She is a gift, so are you.

  32. Hi Silver!
    You’re a very hard witch to get a hold of! After years of reading all kinds of books on Magick I have to say that your “Solitary Witch” is probably one of the most complete and comprehensive books out there! Over the years its been a faithful reference book and teaching aid at times, as a thank you The Grey Coven of the UK would like to offer our services if you should ever need them!

    I wish you a well and pleasant day!

    Martin Eddy

  33. I’m from Dillsburg! Very close to Harrisburg, I’ve read some of your books, you’re such a wonderful woman to share so much with us.

  34. Hi I’m just starting to read hedge witch and I was puzzled to why on the first nights spell said “joy, peace and perfection. Peace with the gods, peace with nature, peace with. I’m confused as being pagan I work with both gods and goddess and wondered why it only says gods? It says it a few times throughout these pages, can any one help? Thanks

  35. Thank you for getting back to me :-). I also wanted to ask if you could recommend any rituals for fertility, as we have been trying for four years for are family with no joy thanks and blessed be

    1. Actually, I do know one that has never failed. I wrote about it in one of my books — either To Light A Sacred Flame or To Stir A Magick Cauldron. It involves using a doll in ritual, naming all the qualities you desire, and placing the doll under the bed. You and your mate must do the ritual together.

  36. Thank you so much for all your help, we already have to stir a magic caldron so I will look it up. I make necklaces and bracelets for people who have been trying to conceive, I don’t charge any thing for them but I would like to make you a special one to say thank you. Do you have a post office box where I could send it?

  37. blessed be from me to you, blessed of the love i have for you, blessed be for the many talent works you have done, blessed be for the services you provided for others. blessed be from me to you ,blessed be for the the great things you do. blessed be and mote it be.

  38. I am looking for guidance for both my daughter and myself. My attempts to find help has been difficult. The only coven I have found seems to be steriotypical of witches and kinda in a flightly way. We are just normal people who have noticed things about ourselves seeking knowledge. Many things I turned `off` during my teen years after a few things just freaked me out. Things have been `coming back` weither it is due to my daughter being in her teens??? I just don`t know. She likes the `cards`, I see colours. She is interested in spells. I freak people out by getting into their heads-not that I do this on purpose. My mother had told me that her grandmother had been gifted with sight. In short we are looking for guidance. We live the Canadian side of the border, you could say between Detroit and Ohio.

  39. Greetings Silver,

    This is the only way I could find to contact you, I hope you’re still checking this thread! 🙂

    I collected most of your writings about ten years ago, when I was a teen and learning more about Wicca… I even met you once– one of the highlights of those days– at Moonbeams in a Jar in Selinsgrove, PA. I’m a native Pennsylvanian, myself… I was always grateful for your guidance and positivity, how your writing always gave me the feeling I could do anything, and overcome my obstacles. There was a spell in teen witch that helped me often– using the rune Isa to quell gossip from peers.

    My favorite writing of yours, however, was the Witches Runes that you did with Nigel. I used those cards constantly, and have continued to have a connection with runes throughout the years. Somewhere along the way I moved across the country, and left them behind in PA for safe keeping. And now, they’re the one thing I can’t find amongst my belongings. I found the book, but not my cards. I’ve been searching high and low on the web for a new deck, but haven’t been able to find anything in a reasonable price range– I’m just making ends meet, and over $200 for a used deck is prohibitive. Do you have any idea where I could find a deck for less? I highly value them, but simply can’t afford the price tag. Some kind of magical blessing is needed!

    It’s a sad thing that the book is not in print anymore, nor the cards, because I think they could be so helpful to many. I’m sure there were reasons for not continuing the printing, but my enthusiasm for the set is greater than ever.

    I hope this finds you well, and in good health. I hope to hear from you soon!
    Many thanks,

    1. I was very sorry that they stopped printing the book and the cards, too. I actually only have the original draft of the cards, myself, and only one book. Perhaps someone that reads the blog will see your post and know where you can get an inexpensive copy.

  40. I am very and i mean very new to all this. And i don’t know if its all real or fake. But i have always felt that ”Christianity” or other male dominated religion was never for me. From a very young age i was left as the strange girl with blue eyes that change different shades of blue (whetheral eyes according to my uncle). I have always loved animals and mythology (where i learnt about all the gods and goddesses) I love so much that a normal child and teen shouldn’t enjoy. I was never obsessed with make-up or looking perfect. I would rather go out with my camera and find animals.

    I always enjoyed nature and what it brings. Then i discovered your book when looking online after my dad called me and my auntie a “couple of witches” (and he calls us that every-time we are together) because we look the same and are into all the same things. because we enjoy the night and cooking and drawing and crystal collecting (okay it sounds all stereotypical but its true we do, we always walked the dogs at night and my uncle walked them during the day). Anyway ive started to read it (To Ride A Silver Broomstick) and so far it feels… right i guess, but on the other-hand i could be going mad… well i hope not anyway.

    I do hope I have found something that makes me feel less freakish and more not freakish.

    Emma Burnett (age 17)

  41. Greetings Silver, I am a follower of yours for ever it seems, I’m 50 and began with your first book of wicca and followed from then and there. Here in central Illinois in the very small town of maybe 1200 including all the area farmers lol, there’s not alot of ppl here for me to discuss my personal feelings of god and goddess with. So I have silently studied with you read your words and beliefs, looked up to you and honored you as my teacher and adviser and till now I have gotten along alone but have been able to practice and learn and read and learn and never really missed a coven or leader or really being mentored. But I need help now ,,,I gotten along silently on Samhain and other holidays but this year ……..I lost my son of 31 years, one of the two grown children I have and I am desperate to communicate with him, I will make my circle and Will have food and drink and it will be a celebration of the two of us our time together, life, death,endings and beginnings and i’ll say my good byes to old and welcome the new and do the best I can to celebrate his death and the rebirth that will surely come. But at the time of his death which was a car accident. So I had no time to prepare, he was mad at me and I want a way for him to say anything he needs to say to me. So I need advice and some help with this if you would do so. It would greatly be appreciated. Any help, suggestions, thoughts will help.
    Love and Light Deanne

  42. Hi Silver its yout friend.paul.in az I wanted to say.i hope you.n ur family r doin.well n.i wish u all a blessed samhain.

  43. Hi Silver,

    Wanted to ask if there is anyway you would offer a free PDF download of the angel check you have in your book “Angels: Companions in Magick” so we can print out to use? I did make my own but would love the option to print it out. I know I could scan the book and make copies myself but wanted to ask if you might be able to offer that?

    Thanks so much! ^j^

  44. hello, my name is emily i am 13 years old i have started practing magick and i am becoming a wiccan daughter . But all the kids in my class think ” witches” are a evil , i have tried to explaine it to them but they just make fun of me. do u have any advice

  45. Dear Silver,

    I recently purchased your Book of Shadows “Solitary Witch.”

    Over the past few years, I have suffered from severe depression and had thoughts of harming myself. I never spoke to anyone about this, for I was too ashamed to admit I needed help.

    Last week, I flipped to the index in your book “Solitary Witch” to find Shamanism. Instead, what called out to me from the page was the word “Suicide.” As soon as this sunk in, I quickly fumbled to the page number recorded by the word. I read what you wrote, and found out what Wicca has to say about suicide.

    As I read this, tears welled up in my eyes. Through your writing, I found out that I am not alone. You saved not only my state of mind, but potentially my life. For that, Silver, I thank you very much. If it weren’t for you, smiling would not come so easily to me now.

    I KNOW that your writing will continue to impact the lives of others just like me, so just ignore those who spew their own self-hate on to your name. How many people have the satisfaction of knowing that they have saved someone’s life whom they have never even met? Not many. May the Lord and Lady continue to bless your every move in life.

    With love,


    (p.s. I’m only 17, so I have so much more life to live. Thank you for saving it!)

  46. Hi,
    My name is Jordan Gerner, I am a documentary filmmaker and I am in the midst of pre- production on a documentary about Berks County Folklore& Ghosts.

    I’d love to talk about it further if you could email me back.


  47. hi, I have not read any of your books yet but was wondering what book you think would be best for me to read. I am 15 and I would like to become a wiccan. I have been thinking about buying your book ‘solitary witch: The ultimate book of shadows for the new generation’, would this be a good book to start off with? I am lost and don’t know anybody to talk to, this is the only way that I could find to contact you.


  48. Hi silver. Im 25 and have been practicing solitary wicca for 9 years. There are no covens near my home is SC and i was hoping you could teach me a few things via email. Ive enjoyed many if your books and am eager to learn more. Thank you for your time and consideration. Blessed be.

  49. Your books were an inspiration to me when I first started out. In 1997. I have become many things since then, shaman, witch, wiccan, pagan, heathen but your works and books are and will always be very good and deserved inspiration for anyone who needs them or reads them.
    I loved Teen Witch, and I remember when I let my adopted mom read through the book. She picked up like she may throw up backward and “how dare she give me this to read!” and she was like “this is nice, please take it away.” lol It did not help people who didn’t want to learn.
    Now, I am a 18 plus years awakened shaman and no longer among the “dead” as I like to call people who no longer touch my life. Your books also showed me when it won’t work, give up on them and walk away and start over.
    So thank you for touching my life 18 years ago when no one else could.

  50. Dear Silver Ravenwolf

    I have read your books, and I find them exceptionally good. I do enjoy to keep going back to them and refreshing my memory or looking something up. I was wondering if I might ask your advice: A number of years ago I was misdiagnosed with epilepsy. Suffice to say it was not, but that fear has stayed with me since then. Back then I thought it might have been my fault, as I feel I did not respect magick like I do energies now (I have grown up quite a bit!) I am wanting to go back to meditation and ritual working, however after my depression I “switched off” everything. When I attempt meditation or just sitting still, it feels like my body is lifting, and my anxiety takes over. I have tried to meditate with grounding crystals and within Reiki circles, salt and while chanting. Nothing helps. I have been told recently that I have boundary issues, both in this realm and in the astral realm. What do I do? Is it the fear? Is it a lesson that I am still learning? I do not think for one moment that it is punishment (like I used to). However, I miss my stillness.

    I wish you all the best.

    Kindest regards

    Leigh Maasberg
    Port ELizabeth, South Africa

    1. My gut reaction to your post is that, to not encounter the fear, try new techniques — take a Spirit walk as meditation, allowing nature to speak to you and fill you with what you need. Change your thoughts — change your life. I loved your post and I am so sorry for the condition you have encountered. We will be working for you here in our healing circles.

      1. Dear Silver

        I wish to thank you for your post. I know this sounds strange, but I nearly had tears coming when I read that there will be people working for me in your healing circles. I am very grateful for that, to all of you, and I wish that the Universe bless all of you in all the ways that you need. I will keep you updated on my progress.


        Leigh Maasberg
        Port Elizabeth
        South Africa

  51. Ms. Ravenwolf Why do you not have a website? Because you should! 🙂 I love your books too by the way! If you open a website I would love to see it and you could do so much!

  52. Your books are really helpful,they fill me with happiness and joy. Thank you!
    Greetings from Bulgaria!

  53. Hello. My name is Alicia given to me as well as a Charmed necklace by a Wiccan friend. I’m actually trying to find her. Her chosen name I know starts with an S but that’s all I know. Her birth name is Katy though. I know she lives in Florida and is about to become a High Priestess. It’s highly unlikely, but if you happen to know her, Silver, can you help me find her? If not, can I have advice on how to find a coven and/or a mentor somewhere in Georgia?

  54. I used to have several of your books, but my parents (I was under 18 at the time) weren’t very supportive of my faith and took them away. I would feel guilty downloading your books for free (even though I bought them the first time around) without your permission. I’m in the middle of Hedgewitch right now, but I would like to refresh myself on the basics. To Ride a Silver Broomstick was my first. To Stir a Silver Cauldron was my second. You’re welcome to email me with a solution that you would feel comfortable with.
    Thanks, and you are an inspiration!

  55. Hi I have been reading your books my whole life and love them. I used to have your Witches Night Out series when i was younger and there was a curry recipe in the back of one of those books. i made that recipe and adored it, then i went and lost it 😦 Is there anyway u can send me a copy of that recipe???? Please I’m pregnant and absolutely am craving that dish.
    thanks again Deanna

  56. Hello Silver RavenWolf,
    I live in Lansing MI and would love to become a member of the Black Forest Clan… Please help me find the information I need to become apart of this clan. Thank you!
    Love and Light,
    Michael Whitcomb

  57. Hello Ms. Ravenwolf,
    I have a question. My mom and smallest sister have been going through some very stress full stuff back home and my sister has been kind of sickly and depressed she is only 17 and her baby is a yr. old. I have not done any spell work in some time because of my own things going on and stresses, but today I was strongly lead to buy the three of us some skull bracelets and spell them. I can’t explain the feeling and I walked around Wal-Mart for a good while trying to figure out the felling but the more I tried to put the bracelets down I do not have much money as I have been let go of work for being prego. (whole different story lol) the stronger I felt I needed them it was like I felt like I was trying to do some thing very bad by not getting them and anxiety was so bad it almost felt like life and death but the second I made up my mind to buy them the anxiety felling left and I felt peace even very happy. Do you have any advice? And I was wondering what the meaning of a skull is other then death. Any insight is greatly welcome!!!!! I thank you now for your time.

    1. I always try to follow my gut feelings because they are usually right. The mind delineates — the heart creates. Meaning the mind casts a plethora of scenarios — the heart chooses and acts. Skulls can be used for a variety of purposes, including help from deceased loved ones — too, they mean life after death — that we continue even though our earthly garb has been cast off. Skulls are wonderful to use for banishing work. Thank you for asking.

      1. Thanks ever so much! I know you have a lot to do and you do not know how much it means to me that you have helped me! Thanks! May you be blessed!!!!!!! Thanks again a thousand times. I wish I could post a photo of one of them for you to see.


    2. Ok 🙂 thanks I added the citrine I wire wrapped it and also added the Malachite in the skulls eyes. Not every skull has Malachite on 7 of them. I got the green ones for my sister a pink set for my mom and both a pink set and a blue set for me I did the same on all those as well except on my pink one I wire wrapped moonstone in place of the citrine. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=655028794521625&set=a.221560024535173.63539.100000435309267&type=1&theater

  58. I have been a witch for 40 years. back when books on this subject were not in stores. I must tell you.. You spells work thank you for your work. These new Kids so called witches don’t have a clue. There negative comments are childish!

  59. I have a question, as someone new(er) to Wicca. Is it okay/possible to cast two spells within the same circle (like cast one, then another before closing the circle and thanking the gods?) Thanks!

    1. What you do is a matter of focus, choice, and experience — that said, there are many who do cast two different types of spells in the same circle, and many who do not. Your personal experience is the best teacher.

  60. Hi my name is Matt I currently doing a university study and was hoping to ask you a few questions if there was an email address I could send them too pretty please? your help would be very much appreciated!
    kind regards

  61. Hi I’m new to the WitchCraft but I have a family member who is either a priestess or high priestess I’m a very open minded person and would love to learn more about the Wicca then what I’ve learned in your book Teen Witch. I would like your oppion on this should I talk to my family member who will be more then happy to teach my about Wicca or should I find more books on WitchCraft? And I also know somebody whose daughter is in the council. But if you could get back to me I would be very please. 🙂

  62. Hi Silver,
    I absolutely love your writing and have found it very helpful for a beginner 🙂
    I am a solitary witch who is newer to the Craft and I happen to live in an area that is very heavily influenced by the LDS church. I’ve found it incredibly hard to find resources for a particular question that I have. I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few moments of your time to contact me and help me find the answer that I’m looking for

  63. Hello1
    I´m from portugal and i´m a beginner in wicca, i have a lot of your books and they help me a lot!Now i´m needing your help:1-have you got a fertility spell that really work (i tried one from your book!) 2- In all the spell we need to make the circle or not? 3- can you teach how to adapt your spells to a other person (if I want to help someone for example .money, love,…)

  64. Silver,

    My name is Grayson Magnus. I run Heritage Witchcraft Academy in Lancaster, PA. I have been tasked with locating various individuals and groups for a possible reality TV show about “witchcraft people” in the Lancaster County area. Is this something you would be interested in exploring and would you forward interested parties and people to me for vetting? They must be from the greater Lancaster area.

  65. Wow I never knew you had a blog! I just wanted to tell you how much you have helped me through your books. I really can’t even put words to it. You helped me find my path and you helped me discover my true self. THANK YOU.

  66. Silver, I love your books! Especially “To Stir A Magick Cauldron”, “To Ride A Silver Broomstick” and “To Light A Sacred Flame”. They were a gift from my mother and I had looked into them not expecting much different than any other ‘Magic Spell’ book but they were. Because of wonderful people like you I have found faith and brotherhood in the Gods and Goddesses and been able to heal and move past my personal issues and see a brighter tomorrow. Thank you so much for helping.

  67. Although right now I’m praying to a Christian God for my beloved pet’s safe journey but my mother always was a Wiccan.The grief is tearing me apart from losing my pet and not sure what is a safe way to make sure my pet’s okay. Could refer me, Silver?

    1. I so understand your pain. When my best friend died (my dog), I had a moment of clarity that I have shared with many. I was on my knees, sobbing in emotional pain as my friend left me to go beyond the veil. It was then that I realized that I am spirit, too. I may be here, but a part of me, my higher self, is also on the other side. To the pet, he was not leaving me. He was simply going into my arms on the other side. I alone, here in the physical, felt the loss. Yet, he, my best friend in the world, was not alone, and he did not feel this pain…and never will.

      1. This brings tears to my eyes. How sweet – I’m sure your best friend will be ready to greet you as soon as it’s your turn to step behind the veil. Bless you both!!!

  68. Hi I just wanted to say that I have been reading teen witch I recommend it for teens that are interested in wicca. I love Silver Ravenwolf and so does my Father it feels like she can talk to us the way she writes things c: so I recommend to buy her books she is honestly one of the best author’s to help you unserstand the craft. blessed be c:

  69. Once, when I was very young, I was going through some rougher times than my usual. I asked for guidance and all I could see in my head was your name. One day I got the courage to actually speak to you. At the time Myspace was very popular and I found you (or I hoped it was really you) and you actually replied to me to push forward. I did and I survived. I’m much older now and my first books “Teen Witch”, “Solitary Witch”, and even the first book I ever came to truly love “Beneath a Mountain Moon” (which to this day I cannot explain what drew me to it at such a young age) have survived with me the whole way. At one point I had lost everything due to a massive robbery where someone had broken into a storage space where I temporarily had left literally everything I owned, even my beloved car. Goddess blessed me to have happened to be in the habit of taking my books everywhere I went.

    That was years ago. I still don’t have much, but being a local in this town it’s hard to have anything unless one turns to crime, lands a job at one of the soon to be closed factories we have left, or happens to be a well funded student. Still, right next to me as I type this, 3 books with your name on the cover sit next to me. Some have seen better days, but they are always close none the less.

    The reason I’m writing this is because I wanted first of all to thank you. I don’t really know you and I’m sure I may never meet you in person, but you have helped me in so many ways. A lot has happened in my life and it has inspired me to move on and out of Muncie, too many bad memories and its getting more dangerous everyday. It seems I have a rather sketchy shot at moving to California that I plan on taking. Wish me luck and if you have some time do a spell for me that I may not end up worse than where I am now. I’ll be keeping your books close, they have been my only companions in Wicca since I was a teenager. I’ll be sure to expand my library when I have the money and a shelf to put them on haha. May the love of the Lord and Lady be in around you for the rest of your days Silver Ravenwolf. Blessed be well.

    Shea Gibson of Muncie, Indiana.

    Sorry for such a horribly long post, but I wasn’t sure how to get it to you.

      1. Thank you very much! That means so much to me. I hope it wasn’t for anything bad that were here. Indiana has it good sides, just depends on where you are.

      2. Actually, we were there to pick up a present — so, it was WAY good — the drive was grueling, but we got there and back in once piece! Thank you for asking.

  70. Dear Silver and respected persons in practice,

    I ask what top three things (or more!) I can do to support my loved one in their new practice efforts. I am reading along with her so I understand the “hows” of practice, and she shares with me her “whys” of her interests . Please know that she already has begun studying with Book 1. Also, she wants more supplies, so where are great resources for getting more specific things suitable for practice, AND from respected vendors who are equally mindful of the craft (P.S. We’re in the same geographical area as you, Silver, but new to the area. Local shops and vendors are welcomed mentions.)? Thanks in advance; be blessed and be well.

    1. Supplies in this area (South Central Pennsylvania) — Herbs — the Rosemary House in Mechanicsburg. She also has things you can’t see — so you need to ask. She has been serving Pagans for many years. Craft supplies — The Crystal Wand in Gettysburg – her prices are very good and she is a nice person. There is also New Visions in York; but, I haven’t been there in awhile so I’m not sure what they have. I know all these owners and they are all above board. There is also a shop in New Cumberland, which is more New Age oriented — and has been there for many years. Then, there is also a stall at one of the markets — I have to check which one. I know the owner of that one, too, and it may be closer to you.

      Support? That’s easy! Love her, don’t make fun of her, and keep the communication open.

      1. Thanks, Silver! I’m sure these vendors will make for a fun shopping to-do scavenger hunt with her! This is another way I can show my support for her.

        I have another question, and I apologize for my ignorance. Do couples often practice together? My grandfather was called a “hexenmeister,” and I fondly recall some special experiences with him in craft. His shared explanations, and my wife’s interest, sparks some of my own curiosity. My background with other mainstream, traditional spiritual ceremonies often divided husband and wife in the execution of religious duties. I respect the tradition of passing along knowledge, yet am sad that it skipped me. I would like to try some new mindful things along with my wife, yet don’t want to do something that would be in violation of new rules for practice. So, 1) can husband and wife practice together, and 2) what can I do to reclaim knowledge and lessons lost from my grandfather (who has since passed)? I am an avid reader, very open-minded, and gentle. Again, I mean no disrespect with my questions- I want to be and do the very best I can and just need some patient guidance in my search.

        With gratitude and humility,

      2. Many couples practice together — in fact, it makes the relationship strong because of your agreement in mind, body and energy. As magick is already in your family line, it may come quite easily to you. I teach Braucherei (Pow-Wow). You will do just fine.

  71. are there concequences to doing spells i was told you could lose everything, is this true?

    1. Every action we do has a reaction. Could you lose everything? That depends on you and your own thoughts. If you wish for loss — that is what you will receive. If you wish for gain — that is what you shall receive. If you worry — that’s what you get.

      1. it’s like i was told that if i did a spell for money, that was going to make me lose everything, yet in your books you have one, are the people I spoke to wrong?

      2. I never heard such a thing. And, frankly, I know a lot of magickal people and I don’t know anyone who lost everything because they did a spell for money. Don’t take my word for it — research it on the net, ask other magickal people — draw your own conclusions.

  72. I am currently reading your “Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation” and I have to admit that it has helped me greatly. I live in the heart of the Bible belt and am constantly put to odds with the only two groups that show themselves, Christianity and Atheism. Is there anyway to find support and teaching for someone in my situation?

  73. Hi there! I bought your Ultimate Book of Shadows for the Solitary Witch, which has been a wonderful reference book and guide. However, I wanted some clarification on something. In your book, you give a description of how to do a Celtic Cross and then a picture of the spread with the corresponding numbers. However, the numbers don’t seem to correspond with the descriptions. For example, positions three and four are switched. In your description, four should be above and three below, where in the picture diagram three is above and four below. Five and six seem to be in non-corresponding positions as well. I’m wondering which is the spread you intended and if you could clear this up for me? So sorry to bring this up in a post but I couldn’t find your contact information.
    Thor’s Daughter

    1. Sometimes things get switched during production — happens. What I intended would be how I wrote it. As an experiment for yourself, try it both ways. Sometimes what appears to be an error is actually a window to something else that we didn’t think of before. Let me know which way you believe worked best for you.

  74. I have some old stones that I really want to start using again but need to cleanse. What’s the most appropriate and effective way to cleanse them?

    1. There are several ways — it depends on what speaks to your needs — washing them in clear, running water; letting them set in a solution of salt water or blessed herbal water overnight; putting them in sunlight (noon is best, so they say); placing them under direct moonlight; burying them in the ground for at least three days and then unearthing them — entirely up to you.

  75. lady silver, thank you for sharing your stories and for writing your amazing books, thanks to your books I have found my calling , I’m greatly appreciative for your knowledge. by chance is there a ritual to help with the passing of a loved one ?
    sincerely scarlet

    1. I have frequently used Anubis and the Ankh in ceremony — I cast the circle — no quarters — called Anubis, laid the Ankh over a pic of the loved one — and asked that He guard, bless, protect and carry the loved one to the Summerland in peace. — works amazing. Everything gets VERY still.

  76. Hi, Silver. I’m commenting on this because I just want to expand my webweaving efforts. There are no other witches in my area, so the only other witches I’ve talked to have been people I’ve talked to online.
    I was called to the Craft because 1. I’m empathic and I can see auras and 2. my mother is only not a witch because she doesn’t call herself one and never practiced Wicca. I read most of To Ride A Silver Broomstick and found it very helpful! Finally, a manual that goes into everything instead of just a published grimoire.
    I’m going to have to look up Aradia. I originally learned Hecate was the Queen of Witches, but they’re all archetypical forms of the same thing, anyway. Hecate’s my patron, but she’s a Crone and I’m a Maiden so I need some variation.
    I don’t have any particular God I’m attached to, mainly because I am extremely close to my guardian angel and my personal dark side, which is male. I call him Astor (in my novels about him, he is Hecate’s son). It’s ironic that typically the God and the male aspect represents all that is solar and bright but, as my Shadow, Astor represents all that is dark. (The novel’s called Shadowbook. When I chose that title I had no idea a witch’s journal was called a Book of Shadows. Convenient!)
    I was wondering if you have any advice on working with familiars. You gave info on familiars in Silver Broomstick but I’ve never found info on how to actually work with them. Our pet cats are my familiars, they’re brothers, and they both seemed to accept to it. Ripley once accompanied me for a ritual. He didn’t mind the smell of sage and smoke and actually walked the circle after I closed it. Is that all that needs to be done? Is there anything else I can use him for besides just having him be present during a ritual? Can I actually involve him in the ritual? I haven’t found any rituals that involve the presence of animals.
    I plan on getting the rest of your Silver Broomstick series and Teen Witch. Is there any other advice you can give me or specific books you recommend? Thanks!
    -Nyx Shadowhawk

    1. Dear Silver<

      I have been practicing for 10 years and I have met some very good Brothers in a very bad position. They are inmates in the Michigan Department of Corrections and they do not get to have a high priestess or a high priest come in and do thier sabbats and are only allowed to have 8 services a year when every other religion get to have at leat 1 or 2 a week. They are not allowed alot of money to buy thier books on supplies. I was in prison at the carson city michigan facility and we loved your books and did our best with what we had. They could use someone to help them get the books they need for those who are just starting to pratice. I am out now and have not found any other wiccans near me. So i am kinda lonely and wish to be part of a coven again but being on parole I can't leave the house after 1pm and I am now going to college so I guess I don't have much time for any friends but I want you to know you are the shining star that has guided me to my current path and I thank you for everything.

  77. Blessings Silver,
    I wrote a story for my daughter, some 10 years ago. it’s called ‘The Kitty Fairy’ and is a children’s bedtime story teaching about becoming a Witch. It includes the Kitty Fairy as at the time her spirit very much embodied that, a little girl, which is her, and a snail that she had as a companion for a while that she had named Anybody, because he was anybody he wanted to be! I used a blessing from one of your books, which the Kitty Fairy uses to bestow the power of witchcraft upon the little girl. I would Love to get the story published as a teaching aid for Wiccan families, but I don’t think that it would flow right, or give the necessary lessons and information without the excerpt from your book. I would Love to share it with you, to get your opinion (and hopefully your permission) on moving forward with this dream. Thank you for being such an inspiration!! Blessed be!
    Love and Light.

  78. I am a solitary but have figured out the hard way over the last 10 years its hard being anything but a mother of 3 and a wife and still have time and energy to anything for me. How do u do it?

  79. Silver raven wolf I love your books can you astral project to me and show me love actor friend in palmdale blessings on your writing even a s reen play love jim

  80. Silver can visit me in astral projection bless my acting jobs can you reveal your blesses in my roomshow me what witch love is thank you jim

  81. Silver, my mother enjoys reading your books. Unfortunately, her eyes haven’t been cooperating. I’ve been looking for your books in audio but haven’t had success. Are your books available in audio ?

    Thank you,

  82. Hello,

    I’m eighteen years old and have been a practicing Wiccan for several years now and I wanted to thank you for that. My path began when I found myself in possession of you’re book “To Ride a Silver Broomstick”. I have since then bought many of your other books and enjoyed them just as if not more than the book that changed my life. I myself dream of being an author and I wanted to thank you because you are an inspiration to me in more ways than one.

    Blessed Be!

  83. I feel compel to contact you. I had many vivid dreams and visits when I was around 19 years of age. One of my vivid dreams at the time was your book to ride a silver broomstick with the original cover. I was in a classroom and some girl passed me your book. It scared me at the time because at this time of my life was having many encounters…. I was born in 1956 .. quite interesting and found this book in my in my late 30s… Which at the time of the dream .. wonders if you were even considering a book… blessings !

    1. Very interesting. At 19 I was going through a malestorm of my own – no book in the mind other than I knew I wanted to write some day. Welcome to the world of magick!

  84. Hi I just started reading one of your books, To stir a magick cauldron. I have skim thru some of the chapters and am looking forward to reading them. I am wondering if you have any advice for a disabled person to do these rituals, spells? I can not walk without the aid od a walker or scooter. So walking around in a circle is kind of hard. Would it be ok if I just imagined me walking around in a circle?

  85. I am not a person who practices witchcraft, but years ago I picked up one of your books at a bookstore. It is ‘Murder at Witches Bluff’. It is my hands down, all time favorite book. In this book you mention people who can blow the fire out of burns. My grandparents are strictly Christians and swore by this ‘faith healing’. I had an older family member who could do this. I am not a big believer of unusual things such as this, but it was an authentic gift. It had to be passed to someone of the next generation whom was of the opposite sex of the person with the talent and whoever passed the gift along was said to lose the gift once they taugt it to another. Do you know where I can find more information about this?

    1. The system is called Pow-Wow or Braucherei, and although practiced by Christians as a faith healing modality within the confines of their religion, it is actually a practice older than Christianity. The taboos set forth by that social community are strictly within that mindset, and actually do not apply to the system itself. Although some can slip easily into faith healit, it is not a gift — but, a mindset — and anyone can do it if they practice. You will find more information: https://www.etsy.com/listing/159603096/lesson-3-granny-magick-braucherei?

  86. Dear Silver,
    I have been a fan for a long time. I am in need of a harmony spell or ritual for my kids. They are almost 7 and 8 and constantly bicker. Can you please help?

    1. Cleanse the entire house, particularly where they fight the most. Check to see if they fight around meal time, and adjust that if necessary. Make sure they aren’t picking up negativity from an adult or other household member. Encourage what is “special” about each of them. Disharmony is often the result of a clutter of energy. Weekly cleansings that end with harmony work — chanting, tuning forks, singing bowls, bells — then a gift to the gods of Basil and Honey. Add a white or blue candle in the center.

  87. any new books coming? I do enjoy all you’ve shared. I do have all of them so far. You’re a great teacher Thank you!!

  88. Ms Ravenwolf, I’m so glad that I have picked up your book to ride a silver broomstick. Me and my sister has been wanting to practice the craft. We really don’t know how to get it started. I’ve been going the exercises of cleansing but I’m not sure what to expect and feel. If you could please give us some help. I’m really sorry to ask, but I feel comfortable with you. I’m 39 yo and my sister is 38 yo.

  89. I have followed you for many years, and have found your writings and teachings to be invaluable. Samhain , this year ( in just a few weeks ! ) will mark my 25th year practicing Wicca. I have it to thank for so many things in my life. I want to do something special this year, to celebrate a quarter century, and I was wondering if you have any suggestions.
    .I plan to perform a ritual, by firelight in the woods behind my home before watching the sunrise. Is there any special magic that I can include in this ? Blessed Shall We Be….Elizabeth

    1. I think I would check the date and time you plan to do the ceremony, and see how the planetary hour, and the moon in the sign might relate to you, personnaly, and what you would like to do. I would also consider paying close attention to the spirits in the woods, honoring them as well. Just a thought.

      1. I am wondering how you do un crossing ritual. I feel like there were things put on me when I was born but wonder if this will hwelp any. Please let me know what you think. The origin of what is on me I am not sure. But I am trying to learn to stop it. Nothing is really serious or life threatening but I wonder what your opinion is.

      2. Hi Silver. I’ve been a natural normal witch but haven’t started really practicing until my sophomore year in high school till now. But I wonder if you have time to email e cause I have a quesion and have been wanting to know what your opinion is on it. Thanks and I have two of your books and am natural at doing things non traditionally but in my own way and things work just as good even by doing voice spells. But please email me because I have a serious question and would like your opinion.

  90. Hi Silver.
    I lived in “mills” back in the late 90’s and visited your stores, in DL, the one before that and the new one after that. I watched as you were pushed by the locals.
    I still have the blessed hematite as well as the “Dynamic Dancing” cassette I bought from you which your Daughter liked so much.

    While I doubt you remember me personally, you help effect major changes and rid me of a 27 year parasite. I could not possibly thank you equitably. The one thing I recall vividly is how you hesitantly told me to not give up. I know you saw things you felt uncomfortable telling me…
    Now, fifteen years later I’ve found what I was looking for!

    I respect your privacy, especially here…you have my eMail (same for 17 years) – I’d love to share something with you sometime. Consider it please. (I lost contact with you when I moved in 2001).
    If it is meant to be…

    Brightest blessings

  91. Hey!
    Good day to you from the snowy white north of Canada.
    Back when I was first reading about witchcraft way back in 2003 (I was 13 at the time) the first book I ever read was your Solitary Witch. The red cover attracted me from across the library. It was sitting on the table where they display new books. I remember picking it up and feeling a sort of excitement go through me. I knew I had to read it. So I got it from the library. I read it quickly and knew I had to learn more. Unfortunately I lived in a small town with a rather small library. It took a move across the country and 11 years for me to read another book on the craft. At the library in our new town I managed to find many more craft books, two of which happened to be Teen Witch (which I picked up because although it’s written with teens in mind it is a beginner book) and To Ride a Silver Broomstick. I looked at those first because I remembered your name and how much I enjoyed Solitary Witch. Since then I have read Starhawk, Buckland, and Cunningham. But you will always hold a special place in my heart as the person who introduced a small town valley girl like me to something she could really believe in (I never felt quite at place in Bible School).
    PS. Recently bought copies of your “trilogy”. Can’t Waite for them to come in the mail.

  92. I do not know, but I was wondering if you might. I kissed my baby earlier and then I noticed a perfect red star on the side of his forehead as if he been stamped and I got to looking at it and seen it was blood. Then I worried that he was bleeding so I wiped it off to see if he was cut but he was not. So I wiped my hand down my face as I was thinking and wiped my lips there was blood on my hand from my lips. The bloody star was my blood. Do you think it means anything?

  93. Love your books. Please email for conversations. I would really like to talk about general things if you have time. I have two of your books already and planning to get more. But I’m going to continue to study. I have natural abilities my self but am working to improve them because I am a natural born. Again please email me. I’d like for us to be friends..

  94. Sabhain was very meaningful for me this year. I celebrated 25 years in Wicca. I want to shake things up a little in 2015. Start thinking a little more out of the box. My grandmother always told me that we often come up with the best ideas and plans when we are stretched out of our comfort zone ( or when we balance a book on our head ! ) I have been making teas as well as tinctures and healing balms for over 20 years, and I have recently gone back to the drawing board and come up with some fresh ideas. I live in south Ga., and my coven is in Atlanta , so I have been flying solo since 2011 when I relocated to Valdosta. I was wondering if you could give me some advice concerning other things I could do that may tie into folk healing. I would also love to know if there is a coven anywhere near me. If there happens to be one in this area, I would really appreciate it if someone could contact me at 229-412-2027. Thank You, for all that you do to educate others about our craft. Blessed Shall We Be… Elizabeth

  95. Silver,

    I just wanted to say Thank You. It was just about 20 years ago a small group of my friends and myself first read some if your works. In truth I have not read much of your work since then, but I look at you and your work as one of the first signs to the offramp off the highway walk a different path.

    Best wishes in the new year!

    1. It is all about practice for some (including me). You start by moving your mind one foot away from you, then progress to moving about the room, then into the next room and so forth. This can take several weeks. Patience and practice will bring you success.

  96. Hello!!☺ I have been trying to find someone who can help me learn about the wiccan way. I live in Oklahoma, the “bible-belt” , as well. I am a mother & wife who has been struggling with weight issues. I have done a few good candle spells with great success, thanks to the help and support of the powers that be. I was wondering if there is a good spell I, or anyone else, could do to help me loose weight?? Thank you for you time!! Blessed Be, Always!!🌟🌛🌕🌜💕

  97. I just purchased your “Mindlight” book and I am extremely confused as to why in the back of the book, starting on page 249 under
    ” Basic Astrological Glossary ” do you list Every sign (Air.Earth,Fire) BUT neglect the Water signs???? Am I missing a few pages? I have re-read the ‘index’pages Numerous times and sure enough Air sign, 249; Earth sign, 253; Fire sign, 253; Water sign….Not listed! I think I have just wasted good money on a book with missing pages…Perhaps you can mail them to me, so I won’t feel like I’m missing an integral part of this book….Very disappointed!!I

  98. Hi,I’m Emmy. I been into witchcraft for quite sometimes now. I’m a very spiritual person.I just need one question to be answer. People say u know a lot then most people. Is all this spell and stuff real?

  99. Hey silver!:) I’m 17 and I want to join the wiccan ways!!:) I don’t have anyone around to ask about it.. I have to ride a silver broomstick. I just purchased it like two days ago.. I was just wondering is there a different book I should read to get me started on my journey to become wiccan or is that book a good choice? Thanks I really admire you!:)
    -Kaylee S.

  100. I truly would love the opportunity to talk with you, you gave me inspiration to start writing my present book and to get the chance to become acquaintances would be a dream of mine…

  101. Hello, i am currently learning the craft and your book, “To Ride a Silver Broomstick” … any tips?

    1. it does sound cultish but it is probably a revenge murder and they are looking for a quick answer not the real one it is easier to please the public than find the truth

  102. hello silver this is my first time doing this so bare with me I am an old soul that is still caught in the middle of the past trying to reach the future and not sure that is the right way to go I have been an eclectic witch since I was 15 but never found your books or others until later I use the it will work or it will not but it will method if that makes sense I wish you and and all the other witches out there blessings from the goddess and the god and from me

  103. Hello silver,my name is wayne,i am a single parent raising my 8 yr. old daughter.I could really use some help and direction as to how to raise her by introducing her to earth magic and wicca.

    I am not knowledgable enough to train her properly.a friend of mine gave me a black mirror,my daughter says she sees faries in it,and talks to them frequently.I am not sure this is good or a bad thing.

    As for myself I have the gift of devination or finding water (well witching).I am also able to direct energy or blue flame across my hands when I put them close together.

    At any rate I want to expand our knowledge and abilities.

    could you please give me some direction as to what my daughter and myself should do.I already have 2 of your books.

    I think I need a real life teacher.I cant find anyone in the area where we live that knows anything about wicca .earth magic or witchcraft.I have already had people (so called friends)threatening to call social services on me,because I am trying to teach witch craft to my daughter.It is unfortunate some people cant see past the end of their nose,if you know what I mean.

    Thank you for your help and consideration.


  104. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May you have a blessed day & a beautiful year! Thank you for all of your beautiful inspiration & light. Sending good thoughts & happy vibrations your way. Blessed Be. 🙂

  105. Hello,

    My name is Sabrina. I wanted to say thank you though we’ve never met. I don’t think anyone in my family ever chose to really practice the craft though I can’t say for sure since no one in my family speaks to each other. However my Nana practiced the old religion in many ways I’m not sure she ever realized and ended up passing them down to me. The things she taught me were looked down upon by many in my family and as a child I was very lost and confused. When I was ten I discovered your book Teen Witch and for the first time I found a sense of belonging and peace with myself. I have always felt more comfortable with nature and the Goddess and until I had found your book I thought I was alone. My nana was raised very strictly catholic but she always had a charm, a plant remedy or a candle to burn. It put a lot of stress on a family that was already divided. When she passed I felt lost, I had lost the only adult in my life that understood the freedom to choose your own way was important. Her last gift to me was To Ride a Silver Broomstick. I am 23 now and since then your books have helped me grieve, find a path and connect with my Nana in ways I didn’t realize I could. She wasn’t a practitioner of the craft in sense of religion but I believe it called to her as I feel it’s called to me over the years and without your books I don’t know if I could’ve found the strength to follow my path. I wanted to thank you for having the courage to write all your books and pass on your knowledge and wisdom to those of us who wouldn’t have had the opportunity to receive it without them. Thank you for your advice, wit and anecdotes that helped me through some very bad days and for opening a door to a path I am so very glad to walk down. Your books have been a source of strength and important building blocks for me. So from the bottom of my heart, Thank you.

    Blessed be,


  106. Hi silver, I’m new to the craft, but I really liked your book Solitary Witch. However I’m visually impaired and reading audio books is the easiest way for me to read the books I found Solitary Witch on audible, but nothing else. Are you planning to put To Ride A Silver broomstick on audible?

    Really enjoying your books so far.

  107. Merry Meet Silver!
    ‘To Ride A Silver Broomstick’, changed my life. While I read your book, I did EXTENSIVE research on numerous paths of the craft just as you suggested, (and because I’m not taking my faith lightly or going off a single person’s research or opinion, even if it’s the fabulous Silver RavenWolf, lol.). I’m so thrilled I found your books! You truly have held the curtain back for me so I could enter a new world of love, happiness, faith, magick, and acceptance for myself. It’s lonely believing in nothing outside of myself and my husband and kids. It did not help me sleep at night to lose faith in a Christian God several years ago. However, I knew it wasn’t my faith and not right for me.

    After a few humanities courses on multiple religions, myths, cultures, arts, and societies throughout history; I found a calling for the craft but no clue where to begin. Funny thing was we had a tarot reader on campus and I immediately ran and bought a deck and just KNEW it was mine and part of my path. That’s how it started. Then I found your book a week later from a friend and you changed me forever. Thank you for that. I can’t tell you how relieved I was to learn I wasn’t insane while reading your words, I’m just an untrained empath!

    I live in Hanover, so you know VERY well how hard it is to be “out of the broom closet” here, but I think I’m ready. I can’t wait to finally meet you in York at the workshop and learn about honoring ancestors, (especially my Pap who I’m convinced wasn’t just a preacher but was also a Pow-Wow practioner), and participating with other magickal people. This will be BRAND NEW TERRITORY for this solitary witch. Have a blessed day!

    P.S. I do have a question for anyone reading this: How important is a magical name? I have no coven, I am not planning on keeping hidden as I live in too small of a town; it would be impossible if I wanted to. I understand that it could add uumph to spells, or make me more recognizable to deity, (is that correct)? I wonder if it would be more like another form of acceptance or joining of a person with their craft. Am I right? Anyone want to chime in?

    1. Its all in your intent. For a magkical name is it what you want? Ask yourself if you need that magical name. It will protect you and raise energies in your circle and protect you for people that don’t beiieve the same as you do. Mediate the answer will come to you.

  108. hi madam silver i am djemaat ankhib i live in south africa i did by ur beatiful book in wizard shop cape town (silver spell for abondence) realy i did love this book i saw the miracle at 3 days when i state my first ritual i have small busnes at 3 i cant believe what happen to me i say thank u but my quetion is during the night i am dreaming luck 2 girls coming to me the are fighting so i am letle bet skering i stop my rituals pls i wanna get advise from bcz i am new in wicca pls hellp

    1. Dreams are very personal and often indicate issues inside yourself. Only you will be able to tell, over time, which dreams signal outside events coming to you and which are representative of situations within yourself. On the surface, a battle of some type may mean that you have important decisions to make that involve your feelings on a matter. I know this isn’t much help; but, again, dreams are very personal.

  109. Thank you for your thoughts Silver. Now, I’ve always had a fair grasp on dreams v issues yet this one puzzles me. I’m in a drifty-exploratory scenario involving sights and places resembling long, long ago (think thirty – forty years-ish) when I come to a corner whilst on a sidewalk. At this corner is a stoplight. As I look to my left I notice someone who has abused and ultimately abandoned me in a vehicle and they are reaching out to embrace me. I feel a strange, inappropriate sense of forgiveness from them. With a sense of peace and complete disregard I turn back from whence I came and continue, encountering them no further. Things continue as one would think they should. I’m stumped as to why and what. I’ve not thought of this person in over two years. There is no void for them to fill. So far as I can tell the damage they inflicted has been replaced with love and support from those who hold me in their lives now. Clue me in girl.

      1. This actually makes quite a bit of sense to me. A lot of ‘thens’ have been playing out lately. Many negative people suddenly became “done with me”. Both of my parents moved on, cherry-picking took place and I (as usual) threw my hands and slinked into my corner to avoid the fighting (and hoping to stay on their frequency for any last words). Miss Karma (as always) came looking for me…when you get to see the ripples moving back to their points of origin :-/ Why is it so hard for some to own their shit? Sorry, that was rhetorical. Thank you so much for “waving the fog away”. Sometimes I just can’t see the obvious. They say I have loose wiring in my belfry but the electrician will be by any day now. “It is what it is…but it will become what You make of it”.

  110. Hello, Silver, it was a happy day when I received your book ” To stir a magick cauldron”. I was led to enter the fields of energy work in 2010 and my interest in magic gradually got bigger till I found you. I want to expres my gratitude to you and your help because you help me with ideas and wisdom, I believe that all of us who work with pure heart and intatnition for the greatest good of all are connected all over the world and the distance is not a barrier but a chance to expand the Light each one of us carries within
    Thank YOU
    ( ( SUN ) )

      1. Received at the day of the Cock Your Blessing is so much significant to me, dear Silver! Thank You! I wonder if the Wolf had met the Bear , because I sent you a message through my totem animal and the vision that came to me was a wolf in a forest, my Bear Spirit brought you a gift 🙂 and then returned back to me. Now I have Your answer! How Great!
        May the Earth the Stars The Sun and the Universe always give You their Blessing and Support, my Teacher Silver !
        With Gratitude Love and Light and with greetings from Bulgaria and her Mountains especially Rila Mountain

  111. Well I honestly don’t know what I’m looking for so I am still looking. A aquatint loaned me one of your books Solitary Witch one question is this one the best for me to learn what I need to know? I don’t know much maybe it will or point me in the right direction. Thankyou

  112. Hello Silver!
    I’m a new Wiccan, only 17, and still live with my parents. They are Catholics and have sent me to Catholic school all my life. I had to do a lot of soul searching to find the right path for me. I started my interest when I was only 12, when I had reoccurring visions of the Maiden dancing among the stars. I continue to have such visions of her calling to me. However, I had suppressed the call to appease my parents, who still believe magick and Wicca to be a sin. It took a lot to come out of the broom closet and tell my parents about how Wicca is important to me. They told me that they don’t tolerate candles and insense in the house, and therefore rules out most spells. Since I still live with my parents and will for a few years to come, how can I practice the Sabats and Esbats without candles or insense? I have made tools and have a copy of Solitary Witch to guide me, but most spells require flame. Thanks for being a huge inspiration and guide in my spiritual path. Blessed Be!

    1. Easter Orthodox Church ,
      Greek Orthodox uses incense .People should start also going there.
      Boswellia,frankincese ,mirth .
      Ask the Church ,they sell some easential oils.
      In Buddhist countries they use incense .
      In Japan they make incense called The Morning Star and use in their temples.

  113. OMG You’re beautiful. I found your Jupiter sigil process. “do this talisman on a thursday, during a waxing moon in sagittarius, cancer, taurus, or pisces”. I found the date of December 7th 2016. Do you think it is a good day to do the sigil? I’m in love with you… ❤

  114. I enjoyed reading your biography. I also have four children (all boys, we have his, mine, and ours), my caboose is fifteen, and I have gotten to experience the joy of my first grandchild – a little girl – which is a whole ‘nother depth of blessing. How was it for you, the transition and the new role, becoming a grandmother? It was really, really hard for me at first until I got to hold her. Now I have to watch myself that that old obsessive Mama Bear doesn’t tear her head too often!!!

  115. Hi, I’ve read your book ‘Solitary Witch’. (Which was very well written!) I have been wondering to myself for a while now, do you have to be born into a Wiccan family, or be born somehow into the Craft to be able to learn it? I’ve asked several people, but they have all told me different answers.

    1. Wicca is like many religons. It is a choice. There are some who have been lucky enough to have magickal parents — but, most, to my knowledge have chosen the path on their own.

  116. I brought your book a year ago 11/16/16 put it down being distracted with other things. Picked it back up 11/13/17. This is something im very open to.Solitary now but in the future I want to expand.I live in Midwest a town Southwest Missouri.1Hr north of Kansas

  117. Hi Silver, I am reading your book teen witch and i must say you really connect with the reader unlike most authors. I’m only twelve but my uncle follows Wicca and he has always told me wise things about life and says one day i will grow to understand life’s potential. My uncle gave me your book reccently for christmas and he said that it will teach me things about Wicca and maybe i’ll understand more about him and why he chose to follow it. I have always believed in magick and i have always wanted to expand my knowledge on the subject (as i know very little.) I’d like to know if young people can be witches too? thanks Emilie x

  118. Hi Silver, my Name is Isilma, do you have any covens in Florida or close by? I started to read your books when I was 20 years old, I am now 43 (I think lol) but have drift away from my practice since I moved to Florida 2 years ago, I started and animal sanctuary and eco habitat and taking care of the animals and growing food have taken up all my time, I wish for this to be a more balance life where i can combine the care for the land and animals along with my spiritual practices and connecting with others that share similar views!

    Thanks for all!

  119. Good day,
    Does one of her new books also come out in German translation?
    Blessed greetings Patricia

  120. Just wanted to say that I have always been a huge fan of yours and I appreciate the hard work and dedication you have given to Witchcraft and the witches who have benefited from your books and your astrological advice.The knowledge you have shared has been the cornerstone of my personal practice. Thank you so much!

  121. Hi, Silver. Merry meet!! My name is Moon She-Wolf, and I live in England. I practice Dianic Wicca, and have read your books. I enjoyed them, and they made a lot of sense to me. I wanted to send love and greetings to a fellow witch. I don’t think there’s enough of us. But, together, we can make the world a more loving and harmonious place. I heard a saying: “No war or conflict had ever been fought in the name of Wicca”. Something to be very proud of. Anyway, nice to talk to you. Bright blessings, and may the Lady be with you.

  122. Hello! I’m only 18, but I’ve been trying to practice the Craft since my mother introduced me to it when I was 13. I have a very hard time focusing though, and being apart from my mother has made it extremely difficult for me to try and learn on my own. I’m afraid of messing up, or doing something to harm the connections I have left. Do you know of anyone that would be willing to take on an student? I’m in dire need of something stable to help me keep myself grounded, and Wicca is the one thing I’ve been trying to hold on to with my mother so far away. It’s what keeps she and I connected.

  123. You’ve helped me find my way to what I’ve always been. My acceptance of who I really am. Not fear it but embrace it. Thank you so much.
    Blessed be

  124. Hello,Silver! I translate wiccan texts into Russian. Do you mind if I translate some parts of your book “Solitary witch” into Russian?

  125. Hi!
    My name is Garrett, I’ve grown up Christian, but it’s never felt right. I’ve always been drawn towards Wicca and paganism, and wasn’t sure if there was anyway for me to maybe meet members of the coven, to learn, begin practicing. Thank you!

    1. The one thing I am pretty sure of is that when you look for a church, a coven or any spiritual travel mates to walk with on your journey the farther you go the more of them will fall away from the path you are on until you are alone on your journey because everyone has a different path to follow in order reach where only you are meant to be .. and that will be nowhere you expected to end up.

  126. Silver, love love love your books. Been in Wicca for 23 years. I recently moved to Louisville KY and wondered if any of your Black Forest clan covens were nearby? Thanks and BB.

  127. Spiritual Experience (?)

    Ponder this for a moment

    We are reaching the point where it will become impossible to differentiate true spiritual experience from that which is generated by artificial intelligence.

    At one time, if you had a thought about taking a trip to England and the next day you got a travel folder in the mail about a tour of England you might think it an example of synchronicity or even a divine calling you to visit Stonehenge for a spiritual quest.

    But, today if you email a friend about your thought about going to England or post it on your Facebook page and suddenly you bombarded with spam from travel agencies. A.I. has mined your thoughts and passed them out for dissemination and you are now being psychologically manipulated to manifest that idea into an action, not for you own spiritual calling, but for the profit of those mining your data.

    Therefore, the concept of synchronicity and true spiritual experience becomes totally indistinguishable from artificially generated reality.

    1. Loved your comment — so true — however, there is still synchronicity — just masked — I turn everything off and go into nature — you will still experience that amazing connection.

      1. The other night I was watching “Last Man Standing” and the story was about the parents buying the grandson virtual reality googles so that he could spend more time in “virtual reality” hunting zombies”, which I thought was rather weird on the parent’s part.

        The grandmother Vanessa starts off telling them that the kid should be going out on his bike, going into the woods climbing trees and getting into nature. Her daughters start pushing her to try the googles and by the end of the show Vanessa is spending all her free time with the goggles on killing zombies. “The End”

        So, what was the moral of the story?

        Deliberate or not, this was a very effective piece of propaganda for luring you into The Matrix. The peope from “Outdoor Man”, instead of telling you to put down the goggles and go off into the wilderness hunting and fishing are saying that it is better to stay home and pretend you are in the wilderness chasing zombies. Stay home and have the drone deliver a pizza to you and your sex-bot and text pictures of your “life experience” to your friends on Facebook.

        That was enough to scare the crap out of me, but what really senr me over the edge was the realization that 99% of the people watching saw this as a positive message and the sales of virtual reality goggles will go up and they will never realize that they are not fighting zombies but becoming them.

  128. Ma I want to become a member of your society and purposely of becoming white witchcraft

  129. Am I the only one who feels this way?

    I read these comments and people are saying that they are looking to set forward on a certain spiritual path. They want to do become his and do that, as if they have been given a choice. I cannot relate to that at all.

    I suppose I have always had a sense of a “spiritual calling”, but whenever I started out on path that seemed to be where I was headed I not only got dragged kicking and screaming in another direction, often getting knocked off the road by a hit and run and having to crawl somewhere looking for help to make sense of what happened.

    I started out being born Catholic and from the beginning, though I was too young to understand, I was getting “signs” to get away from the Church. When I was 7 and getting ready for my first communion I was plagued by nightmares that I could not comprehend, but that I now realize were warning me that the Church was on the verge of destroying itself. At 13 and getting ready for Confirmation there were things thrown at me to say, “don’t do this”, but of course I had no say in the matter at that age and it nearly killed me … literally.

    At one point I went to study Reiki, I ended up with a Reiki teacher who taught it from the perspective that Reiki was really a type of exorcism and you had to be aware that you would encounter dark, demonic entities and once you found them and they realized you had seen them you would be in a life and death struggle with them. I assumed this was just flummery, but once I actually saw them and could not deny to myself what I had seen that broke me mentally and I had to reprogram my reality to accept the unacceptable.

    Along the way I decided to start a group where people could come together and seek their path without being subjected to con men and plastic shamans. I called it Spirit Walk Ministry and on of the first people I told about it said forthrightly … “THEY are never going to let you do that!” That didn’t sink in at the time, but I soon found out what it meant as it seemed malevolent people came out of the woodwork trying to destroy it. To this day I wonder how I am still alive.

    So, am I the Lone Ranger here? Do people really get a chance to pusue their path without having to encounter forces, both good and ill redirecting them? I cannot even imagine that.

  130. Dear Silver RavenWolf,
    I’ve read your books, have my own B.O.S. But I don’t know any fellow witches at all except my mom of course. I’m 23 and I live with my parents although I have my own space for my alter which is really nice. I would love to talk to you sometime, it would be great to talk to another witch. I wish I had friends or other witches I knew to hang out with, but my mom and I are the only other witches in our town that we know. Anyway I hope you have a good day and you are staying safe during these tough times due to the coronavirus and social distancing.

    With Love and Respect,
    Micayla Hathaway

    1. Merry Meet! There are a lot of Witches — many just don’t advertise it. This is a bad year for public gatherings; but, eventually, you will find others. Start with visiting Circle Sanctuary online.

  131. Dear Silver Ravenwolf,
    Do you do book signing events? My husband and I own a metaphysical shop in Milton, WV. We are planning a Samhain Festival on Oct 31, 2020 that will involve a psychic gathering during the day and a costume ball in the evening. Would you consider doing a book signing during the psychic gathering? And if so, what would you charge?
    Thank you very kindly,
    Paula Moore Barefoot Gypsy

  132. Hello Silver Ravenwolf,

    I so enjoy working with your poppet book! I made one for myself to find love. I had him with me for over a year and about a month ago he went missing. I cannot find him anywhere in my apartment. Do you have any thoughts about what that might mean? I haven’t been searching for dates (like online) because of the pandemic, but I didn’t think that would affect the magic. I thought I had treated the popper well and he made me feel quite positive. Not sure why I can’t find him now. All thoughts appreciated!!

      1. Thank you for the reply! It gives me a lot to think about! All the Best and hope you are safe and well!

  133. I Enjoyed reading your book Teen Witch it helped me continue on my journey and make new discoveries for myself. I was raised a pagan by my parents and many of my additional family. recently I have joined my family’s coven, Thanks to your book I’ll get to finally take part in running and leading a yule ritual. my parents have high hopes for me since I’m only thirteen. They have supported me and given me the choice of finding my own divine entity, Before I decided to walk the path of the lord and lady with them. Thank you so much it’s nice to know I’m apart of a community.

  134. Merry Meet, Silver!

    You have helped this young witch grow into such a strong, brave woman and for years I’ve wanted to reach out, just to say thank you. Your writings helped me to sort through a lot of questions and guide me to the Craft. I’ve been practicing for 20 years and am guiding my own children with your writings now. Thank you for being a large part of how I became so confident with my beliefs.

  135. I have always wanted to be part of a coven somewhere where I feel like I fit in and not just a waste of space invisible to everyone I know my time will come I have read your books all throughout my teenage years when my mom would criticize me for wanting to practice wicca saying it was nothing but the devil and evil but like I said i kept pushing through and now in my late 30’s my daughter are taking a interest in wicca which is awesome

  136. I have all your books except 1 that I know of and that just happens to be HEX CRAFT.
    And of course that is the one my friend asked me about. It seems to no longer be in print or reprint and the only copy she could find was on E-bay for over $45 ,which is out of her price range (esp. after shipping) . Is there any chance there will be a reprint. She may also e-mail you .

    I have loved all your books and try to read all the post.

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