Great Release Program
by Silver RavenWolf


31 January – 1st Qtr Moon moves from Aries to Taurus
Treasures of Life Spell

Place a green candle rolled in white sugar (or brown) in a bowl of fertile earth.  Use the Silver Protocol to begin the working.  Write your intent on a small piece of brown paper along with your full name (if the request is for you).  Dress the paper with liquid fluid condenser or magickal oil of your choice.  Put the paper and a copper penny under the candle in the dirt.  Surround the candle with coins of an uneven number.  Add herbs that speak of prosperity to you — I used dried marigold petals and chocolate mint.  You can also add crystals or other gemstones.  In your ritual/meditation, ask for the treasures of life to unfold.  Finish the Protocol.  Don’t forget your positive tail-ender.  

On the 2nd of February —

“Groundhog Day is actually rooted in astronomy. The date is tied to the movement of the Earth around the Sun; it marks the approximate halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox! (Note: This is true for the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, Groundhog Day marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox.)”(1)

Ground Hog Day is a lovely magickal time to complete your Treasures of Life working.  Once the candle you chose has burned completely (on the 2nd of February), place the coins in a small bag as well as some of the herbs, your petition, any crystals or gemstones, and a little dirt.  Put the bag in a safe place to encourage drawing the treasures of life toward you throughout the year.  You can add magnetic sand and a lodestone if you desire.  Feed the bag once a month with sugar water or strong booze. 

Next year, on Ground Hog day 2021, disassemble this bag and decommission all items.  Re-empower and create a new bag with new dirt and a new petition. 

This year, use the remaining dirt from the bowl to plant something special like your favorite flower or use for starting garden veggies or herbs.  That way, nothing goes to waste.  To add more power to the spell, give half of the coins to charity or spend toward something for a food bank or shelter.

Today’s Challenge: 

Part I.  Walk through your living area and congratulate yourself on all you have accomplished!  Whoot!  On a piece of paper, write the 11 months left in the year (February through December).  After each month, write a goal you wish to accomplish.  It can be anything — you choose.  On the back of the paper, write the Silver Protocol (so that you will remember it throughout the year).  Place that paper where you will see it every day.  Each month, if you have accomplished your goal, draw a line through your achievement on the paper and give yourself a big reward!  If you miss the goal — that’s okay, move it or change it — again, your choice.

Part II.  Spirit Walk – Begin with the Silver Protocol, then take a walk outside to commune with nature.  Ask Spirit before you leave the house to give/show you a representation of your connection to the shamanic world of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.  Earn 25 stars.

Part III.  Ritual Bonfire — For those who can and who enjoy the outdoors — build a bonfire to consume any old papers, herbs, or decommissioned spellwork.  Add dried herbs and roots — thanking the five elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit for the assistance you have received this month.  Earn 25 Stars.

Countdown Challenge – Final Day! — Do Today’s charm recitation and throw or give away one item.

This night – Final Day,  which will be Friday – repeat your name three times, follow the Silver Protocol and intone the charm (Nine Weeping Sisters) beginning at the “one weeping sister” line nine times.  After the ninth time remove the final stone, throwing it away, off your property, in running water or as otherwise discussed.  Repeat the line:  “NO! weeping sisters stand by the lake…” as loud and vehemently as you can.  Really mean it.  With the very last word, bang the table (or stomp your foot) as hard as you can!  May this spell not reverse or place upon you any curse.  May all astrological correspondences be correct for your working.  Earn 25 stars.

One weeping sister, left all alone
Jumped from the ship and sank like a stone.
No weeping sisters stand by the lake.
The evil is gone!  Peace in its place!

The Completion of this Program — It has been a pleasure working with you this year!  Did you complete all of your challenges?  Did you move through the month with accomplishment and empowerment?  Do you think you will be able to continue some of the things you tried in the program throughout the year?  What did you like about the program?  What did you dislike?  How can the program be improved to serve you better?  I wish you the very best success, much love, and great wisdom and healing!  Thank you so much for being a part of our exciting experience of The Great Release Program 2020!


Summary — Possible Stars Today:  130 without Bonus — 280 with both Bonuses  

  1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
  2. Practice the Rattle Bath – earn one gold star.
  3. Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar.
  4. Work the Treasure Spell for this coming year’s good fortune.  Earn 25 stars.
  5. Give or Throw one things away. — earn 1 gold star.
  6. Today’ Challenge —  Part I — Your final walk-through and goal list for the year.  Part II — Feed your house spirit.  Take a Spirit Walk.  Total Possible Stars — 75.
  7. Today’s Count-Down –  Final Day the Nine Sisters Working — earn 25 stars.
  8. Practice the Silver Protocol.  How is this working for you?  Earn one star.
  9. Do One Three-Minute Dash — earn 1 gold star.
  10. Practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review

Bonus:  Do Another Drag the Bag! (yesterday’s post).  Earn 50 stars.

Double Bonus:  Post how you feel about the program this year.  Did it help?  Where do you feel there should be an improvement?  Will you come back next year?  Add 100 stars if you post!

Visit Silver’s On-line Shoppe:

Peace with the Gods
Peace with Nature
Peace within!




January 31 – Great Release Program – 31 January 2020 – Friday by Silver RavenWolf

All the world is our garden, and we are extraordinarily lucky that we have the opportunity to work the soil with Her.

Great Release Program
by Silver RavenWolf

First Quarter Moon in Aries!  The Heat is On!  
Burn five red or orange (or combination of the two) empowered candles surrounded by hot peppers drizzled with honey for good fortune throughout the coming year.  Be sure to use a fire-safe cauldron or dish as you’ll have a small inferno near the end. When everything is cool, scatter the ashes outside, near your front door. Earn 25 stars.

If your flames burn strong and clear, and do not waver, the work you have done in this program has opened the way to future success.  If the candles are sputtering, no worries, there is just a little more to be done.  Try today’s fun challenges to seal the deal!

This is your Final Official Day!  Tomorrow, (Bonus Day) we will finish our Countdown Challenge together and do one last bit of magick to seal our success!

Your Challenge Today: I have several challenges for you today!

Challenge One:  Drag the Bag Day.  Arm yourself with a BIG trash bag.  Drag the bag through the house whispering (or yelling, you choose) your favorite banishing chant.  Mine is:  Evil be gone, do not return, the horse has run off and the bridges are burned!  Throw out all trash, stuff you vacillated over, etc.  If the bag is not full by the time you finish — do it again.  Keep going through the house until that bag is full!  Earn 25 stars! — Earn 25 stars.

Challenge Two:  The Secret Enemy.  There are several stories in Braucherei (Pow-Wow) about how well-meaning gifts can actually be messengers of negativity.  Although the players are different, the same story-line always applies.  Person A receives a gift from Person B.  Unbeknownst to Person A, Person B is really jealous, or angry, or unhappy either in their own life OR harbor negative energy against Person A or someone else in Person A’s home.  These “bad vibes” permeate the gift, even though Person B did not purposefully blow harm into the object.  After a time, unhappy things or negative situations occur for Person A and their family members.  There is a run of many sicknesses, or one particular individual (the weakest of the family) just doesn’t seem to recover.  Cars are wrecked, money is lost, unexpected bills occur…  Person A truly has no clue, and it would never occur to them that a messenger of evil lives right under their nose.  Person A has done nothing to harm anyone, and yet…yet…things have gone fer shit.  They don’t want to be silly and say overtly, “someone is out to get me”; but, still…

A hex, is a hex, is a hex.  Know what I’m sayin’?  And a hex is nothing more than negative junk that you can get rid of once you know what to go after.  Even though it was unintentional, you’ve gotta get rid of it.

Your second challenge is to go through the house and pick out all the things that people gave you over the years.  How do you feel about these items?  Run your hands over them.  Feel.  Don’t think.  If the first emotion you feel is negative — get rid of it.  If you are unsure, ask yourself this?  Do you really need the thing?  Does it serve you in any capacity?  If not — get rid of it.  Feel nothing?  Then give the object away.  Earn 5 stars for every item you remove.

Challenge Three:  I was taught that there are two places on your body where people will try to “get to ya”.  The back of your neck, and the bottoms of your feet.  Simply rub salt on both of those locations to clear, cleanse, and block negative thoughts coming toward you (it can also help with your own dumbness — you know what I mean.)  If you feel you “really stepped in it” stand in the bathtub and cover your feet with salt, then rinse your feet thoroughly.  Step out of the tub between two lit white candles to ensure all negativity has left you.  Earn 25 stars.

Challenge Four:  Socks and Salt — You read that right.  If there has been a lot of sickness or misfortune in the home, take a pair of your old socks that you haven’t washed yet (notice my PA Dutch inference that you were planning to wash those socks, right?) and put them in a paper bag along with a cup of salt.  Tie the bag shut and shake it vigorously.  Burn the bag and the socks outside.  Do it for the whole family just to be sure.  Earn 25 stars for every pair of old socks you burn.

Countdown Challenge – Day 2 — Do Today’s charm recitation and throw or give away two items.

This night – day 2 which will be Thursday – repeat your name three times, follow the Silver Protocol and intone the charm (Nine Weeping Sisters) beginning at the “two weeping sisters” line nine times.  The last time you repeat the charm do as before, add your positive tail-ender and remove the second stone, throwing it away, off your property, in running water or as otherwise discussed.  Earn 25 stars.

Two weeping sisters shied from the sun
One was removed, and then there was one.
One weeping sister, left all alone
Jumped from the ship and sank like a stone.
No weeping sisters stand by the lake.
The evil is gone!  Peace in its place!

Summary — Possible Stars Today:  Depends on how many challenges you complete!  

  1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
  2. Practice the Rattle Bath – earn one gold star.
  3. Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar.
  4. Burn five red or orange candles empowered for this coming year’s good fortune.  Earn 25 stars.
  5. Give or Throw two things away. — earn 2 gold stars.
  6. Today’ Challenge —  There are Four!
  7. Today’s Count-Down –  Day Two of the Nine Sisters Working — earn 25 stars.
  8. Practice the Silver Protocol.  How is this working for you?  Earn one star.
  9. Do two Three-Minute Dashes — earn 2 gold stars.
  10. Practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review

Visit Silver’s On-line Shoppe:

Spirts of Marigold Liquid Fluid Condenser is available in our WhisperMagick Shoppe.

Peace with the Gods
Peace with Nature
Peace within!




Day 30 – Great Release Program – 30 January 2020 – Thursday – by Silver RavenWolf