luckyblackcat3Use Coupon Code: Iwintoday through the 30 April for a 15% discount on our new tin container candle line.

I have been pouring candles since 2000 – approximately 18 years ago!  I began working with paraffin, and then decided to move on to a more environmentally friendly formula for my magickal lights – soy!  I chose to work with soy wax because the beans are grown in the United States, provide a healthier, cleaner burn, and are a sustainable source.  To me, in magick, the plant-base adds extra oomph to the candle enchantment, providing a more natural vehicle to absorb your intent.

uncrossingcandleOver the years, soy wax products offered by suppliers have changed.  Each time an adjustment is made to a formula, the candle maker finds that they, too, must make changes to their own recipes to ensure a quality product.  These adjustments can include choosing a different wick-type, finding a better container selection, and re-measuring the load of essentials or fragrances to match the new soy.  Many hours go into designing a better product for the enjoyment and satisfaction of the consumer.  To me, there is something special about creating an item (whether it is a candle, a poppet, a quilt, or enchanted animal image) in a quiet, spiritual atmosphere that someone will use, infusing that object with their intent that is ultimately focused for a better life.

Although I continued to create tea candles, I stopped pouring container candles about 2 years ago because the suppliers of soy changed their formula.  At the time, I let the process easily go as shipping the glass containers was expensive for myself and the consumer.  Breakage, though not too common, occurred creating product and monetary loss that I had no way to recoup.  I decided to shelve the containers until I could properly experiment with the new wax blend and a different container choice.

containerluckystar1After several months of experimentation, I am delighted to announce that I’ve developed a container candle style that meets both practical and magickal needs.  I decided on a tin container — easily portable, less likely to damage in shipping (or in your backpack out in the woods), and you can use the lid both for safety (covering the candle after you have just put it out) and as a small offering dish in your candle magicks.   I wrap the containers with natural fiber that can be easily removed and used for cord and knot work.  Currently, I offer the 6-ounce container size — which actually holds about 5 ounces of soy wax, giving a nice 18 to 22 hour burn time.  This means you can use the candle on multiple days for timing purposes (3, 5, 7, or 9 day spells).  I also like to work with this style in combination with my tea candles, where I can place the container candle as a focus on my altar, and then surround the tin with a different tea candle choice.  For example, ringing the Crown of Success container candle with 7 Lucky Stars tea candles for super success and ease of attainment.

In the photo above, I used the lid for an herbal offering that will be placed in a conjuring bag after the candle has completely burned.  The lid can also be filled with a small amount of scented or salt water.  You might also wish to fill the lid with sand, and burn an incense cone (just be sure the surface underneath is fire retardant as the lid would get hot — the incense may also damage the lid).  As I mentioned earlier, the candle is wrapped with natural fiber that you can use in cord and knot magick, or tie the two ends together to make a simple, small circle of demarcation on the forest floor.  The label pops off easily so that you can keep the tin container for storage or other spellwork after the candle has burned.  In all — the tin container is extremely useful and can be recycled if you so desire.

The Crown of Success Herbal Formula above contains:  Mandarin orange peels, patchouli, sassafras, peppermint, bits of vanilla bean, and sunflower petals should you like to create this herbal blend.  Bless the mixture at sunrise on a Sunday or when the Moon is in Leo in a Sun hour, or on a Leo New Moon.

Soy container candles do burn differently than their paraffin sisters.  To experience the best burn for your money, try the candle-care ideas listed below when using most soy container candles (be sure to follow directions of the manufacturer if you have not purchased the candles from our store as their guidelines may differ).

Soy Candle Burning Ideas

Before lighting flame to wick, do a safety check.  Wick should be trimmed to ¼ inch to ensure a good, steady burn.  Make sure the candle placement is on a heat resistant surface, is away from children and pets, and is not near curtains or other flammables. Our all cotton wicks produce 95% less soot if candle is burned according to instructions. However, any candle is a hazard to life and property.  Do not expose lit candle to drafts, which can corrupt the level and safety of the burn.

Ready to burn your candle?  Will you be near it for the next two hours?  Soy is unusual!  The wax has a “memory,” which means that the first time you burn it, the melt pool (the hot wax around the wick that turns to liquid) has to reach the edge of the container.  The top of the candle will be entirely liquid.  This process takes about 2 to 2 and a half hours.  If you don’t let this melt pool form and put the candle out too soon, it will “tunnel” down the center of the container the next time you burn it.  Tunneling destroys scent throw and cuts hours of burn time off your candle.

To prevent the soy candle from producing black soot, always trim the wick to 1/4″ before lighting your candle.  Cutting the wick also helps to control the wick burn so that the flame doesn’t get too high.

Always burn your candle on a level, heat resistant surface.  If the wick begins to have a large flame or starts to smoke (drafts and other issues can cause this is any soy candle) extinguish the flame, wait until it cools, cut wick, and then re-light.  Now and then the wick might slip (especially if you tied to pick up the candle while lit, which is not recommended).  If this occurs, once the flame is extinguished, gently push the wick to the center using a bamboo skewer, fork or other that can be easily cleaned.  Do not put your fingers in the hot wax!

Keep herbals away from flame!  Many of our candles contain dried herbals because the candle formula is designed to create a single “pattern” of energy that you can use any way you desire.  The herbals are part of the pattern.  However, as the candle burns, these bits of material may slip close to the wick.  To avoid fire (your candle burning out of control), push herbals back from the wick using a bamboo skewer, fork, etc.  Do not use your fingers!  Monitor burning candle at all times to avoid fire hazard.

Tin Container Candle Burn Time is approximately 18 to 21 hours, depending upon conditions and fragrance load.  Burn candle in four (2 to 3) hour increments for extended candle life.  Remember to trim wick before re-lighting.

wisdomtincandleThe cotton wicks I use are sold as self-trimming, which means they are made to curl when burning.  The point of this type of wick is to produce lower soot.  While burning your tin container candle, a carbon mushroom may appear at the top of the wick.  This tiny ball of unburned carbon may produce a larger flame.  If this happens to your candle, extinguish the flame.  Let the candle cool.  Trim wick.  Relight.
Nose Blindness occurs when you have been experiencing a fragrance for an extended period – making you think the candle no longer adds the aroma to the room.  You can clear your olfactory sense by extinguishing the candle and leaving the room for approximately ten minutes.  I could tell you to leave the room for ten minutes without extinguishing the candle, but then I would be instructing you to do something the safety instructions tell you not to do – do not leave a burning candle unattended.  A friend of mine (who blew up her kitchen with a burning candle) would agree with me.  Certain aromas that create nose blindness on their own – particularly Patchouli.  Ever been around a stranger in public and they reek of patchouli as they sail by?  Or been to a show and the lady beside you has become so potent with the aroma that you are forced to scrabble outta there as quickly as possible?  Those unfortunate souls have probably become nose blind to the fragrance and just keep pouring it on because they can’t smell it!

Soy wax is bio-degradable; however, just like coconut oil –never pour wax down your sink drain, it will most likely clog.  Again, I had a friend who did this?  She had to get all new plumbing in her kitchen.  Don’t go there.  (And yes, this was a different friend, lol.)  Once your candle has finished burning, you can clean the cups or tins with hot, soapy water.  Pour this water outside (not down the drain).  Rinse with clear water.
Summer Care:  Soy is a naturally soft wax which reacts to weather conditions, particularly to heat above 115 degrees (roughly).  Don’t let your soy container or tea candles sit in direct sunlight or in an enclosed area such as a car, box that sits in the direct sunlight, or in an outdoor locker (particularly in areas where the temps are high).  Should they liquify?  No worries as long as you don’t tip them.  Set them in a cooler area to solidify.  You can even pop your soy candles in the fridge!  Just don’t let anyone eat them!

Disclaimer information for soy candles:  (Ya know we gotta have this info.)  My candles are NOT body safe.  Please do not apply the hot wax to your skin.  Do not EVER drink liquid candle wax.  Do not place hot or cold wax on fingers, or near sensitive parts of the body. Do not boil my candles.  Do not put candles in microwave.  Do not eat my candles.  This soy is not edible.  DO have a marvelous aromatic experience!

I do hope you enjoy our new line of container candles!  Much love and joy to you!  Visit me at
With Joy!

Silver RavenWolf Expands Candle Line now pouring Tin Container Candles