Posted in Simple Magicks

Seven Days to Beat the Winter Blues

Cover of "HedgeWitch: Spells, Crafts & Ri...
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Red Hot Seven Day Program To Beat the Winter Blues

Seven-Day Program To Banish the Winter Blues!
by Silver RavenWolf

Tell me about it!  You feel locked down, locked up, and hostage to biting cold, buckets of snow and sheets of ice.  Makes you not want to move, or do the turtle walk.  Perhaps you caught a bug and your eyeballs are drifting to the back of your head.  Your family is grumpy, your boss is being more of a jerk than usual, and strangers seem to be stranger all the time.

Yup.  You’ve been bitten with the winter blues, a common February malady if you’re stuck in the northern regions.  If it makes you feel any better, then join the club.  You are definitely not alone.  Although misery certainly does love companionship, its time to jack up the furnace and do the self-motivation polka.  Try these magickal and mundane tips to get your inner motor revving in any order you desire.  Complete one tip each day — and I guarantee we’ll melt those blues away!  If you like, light a white candle each day to symbolize your focus.  In Pow-Wow (Braucherei) we set one small stone out each morning or night for the verbalized intent.  By day seven, you will have seven stones placed on your altar.  You can later put these stones in a red power conjuring bag to keep that great energy moving!  Not into performing a seven day spell?  That’s okay.  Look over the list below and see which tip you might like to incorporate in your daily life.  Perhaps one feels like it carries more importance that the others right now for you.  That’s okay — follow your inner spirit!

Seven Days To Beat the Blues

Day One.  Connect with Spirit.  That’s a first and really a must if you want to shake those chilly blues into a more palatable mental martini.  Through meditation, ritual, or prayer — breathing deep and allowing yourself to connect with the infinite can’t be anything but healthy.

Day Two.  Once you’ve done that, check out your intent these days.  Just what is running on the hamster wheel this week?  If its negative — time to take control and change your thoughts.  Surrounded your brain with mental visualizations of warm breezes and summer sun, then pull those wishes and positive dreams into the scene.  Draw confidence from the fact that if you can think it?  You really can create it.  Try this affirmation from my HedgeWitch book:  “My world is filled with unlimited opportunity.  Opportunities that are right for me come easily.  I always choose that which will be best for myself and my family.”

Day Three.  Acknowledge what is good in your life.  Don’t be stingy.  Give it the old rah-rah go!  Smile when you think of all that is worthwhile, joyous, compassionate and generous.  I guarantee you’ll feel a heck of a lot better!  Try this affirmation:  “My personal journey is a worthwhile contribution to the world within and around me.  I always find riches and treasures wherever I travel.  The success I desire is already a part of me.  I see the truth of joy in all things.”

Day Four.  What’s your environment looking like?  Is it getting dirty?  Is it reflecting how you are feeling?  Adjust your environment and you adjust your life.  Time to take down those winter decorations and switch your style from that old holiday motif to something fresh and new.  Physical change can be a wonderful pick-me-up!  Try this affirmation from my HedgeWitch book:  “I accept the richness and abundance of the universe.  The pathway is always open for me to receive the gifts of earth.  I deserve and accept the gifts of an abundant universe!”

Day Five.  Switch your routine.  If you’re in a daily slump, change the times you do certain tasks, alternate days for particular household chores, or learn to combine activities to streamline your schedule.  Changing your perception changes the task.  Try this affirmation:  “Through my thoughts and actions, I am in complete control of my destiny.  I am the lightning and thunder of my own being.”

Day Six.  Allow yourself time, space, and energy to do what you love.  What you adore to do?  That’s why you’re here in the first place.  To deny it is to steal from yourself and ultimately derail your true mission in life.  Re-evaluate your intent (number 2) especially on the subject of your creativity.  I know you can cook up some really great stuff!  Give yourself permission to do it and stop fretting over what everyone else thinks.  Everyone else isn’t living your life — you are.  Try my affirmation from my HedgeWitch Book:  “I carry the fire of profound creativity within me.  I have access to the creative power of Spirit whenever I need it.”

Day Seven.   Change your interaction with others.  You already know where adjustments need to be made.  Don’t stress, just try.  Consider bringing some type of happiness to others each day.  Here is the final affirmation:  “Just like the sun and the moon, I bring light to the world.  I shine in everything I say and do.  Just like the power of the sun, I attract all good things into my world and share this light of good fortune with others.”

Just seven days, seven suns and seven moons, seven smiles and seven tunes.  You can do it!

Be sure to post how you are doing with these Seven Steps to Beating the Winter Blues.  I’ll check back and answer your comments.  If you come up with some better ideas — please do share them!


Llewellyn Author of over 23 magickally enchanting books. Braucherei practitioner. Artist, photographer, quilter, chandler, doll maker and lover of genealogy. Visit her WhisperMagick online shoppe at

29 thoughts on “Seven Days to Beat the Winter Blues

  1. Good afternoon dear Silver,

    wonderful surprise to see this just now. Finally caught up on deleting all the junk out of yahoo yesterday after days of helping people contact their loved ones in Egypt. We are also trying to raise money to send to the poor out there. I was starting to feel cold and run down and thought I must do something and connect to spirit and this came wow. you in my head.

    Love the 7 day stone spell, It helps so much to throw off outdated things and what you no longer need in your life as well as bringing in renewal.

    Thank you so very much and may the Goddess bless you with all her love today xxx

  2. Wonderful to see you posting again Silver. I hope you are well. Ive missed your regular postings. How is your bedroom coming along? I hope all is well.

    Many blessings to you.

  3. I was very happy to see the email from you!! I will definately be doing all 7 tips!! Thank you!! thank you!! thank you!!!!

  4. Hi Silver!! Its so great to see a new post from you! I’ve really missed your posts and this one is right on time! Thanks for all the wonderful tips, HedgeWitch remains one of my favorites! How is you bedroom coming along?
    David James

  5. so today day one ironicly day two of my new semester 3 out of four yay! anyway i took some time this morning.. thanks to a 2 hour delay for one and prayed and meditated in fornt of a white candle. got out things i didnt even know i was worrying over or needed. I found myself asking to commune with teh Goddess and for energy etc, but right after that i found myself asking for deliverence.. a word i didt even know i needed..but realize that i do. TOday was an amazing day in general and i intend to add this ritual to the morning one i already do from your last group of postings!
    great to see you again!

  6. Merry Meet and bright blessings Silver its great to see u posting again. How is ur rat chi? N is ur roof safe now n how bout the bedroon i knw so many questions im asking just want to make sure ur family is good. Well funny u should come up with this winter blues in az we did get a cold front it was 15 degrees at Night i knw thats nothing to u guys lol but we got thru it with the love of the sun god n the moon goddess. I am going to bring something new here that might help i am getting into this thing called samyama. Have u heard of it. Its an eastern style of meditation. Seems really kool n intresting n it involves balance of the right n left brain to be in harmony i could go on but i will let it be. Its good to see that ur back hey when the heat comes bak to az i will send it to ur state with the cone of power n release it at the right time to give u guys heat. Ur friend Paul. Blessed BE Silver.

  7. Hurray! You’re back! Boy, did I miss your posts!

    Look, we’ve been fasting and here you go serving us a feast… seven whole days of hearty lets-do-it servings in one sitting. That’s enough to put the roses back in everyone’s cheeks. Hopefully in yours too.

    I so love the rocks ritual!! Thank you!!!!

    You won’t believe it, but my husband came home from the thrift store the other day and handed me a pretty bag of small rocks. “Here, honey, for your rituals.” I’m all like, that’s so yesterday, I already did that Hedgewitch rock ritual babe.

    But here you are, rock rituals again. It’s remarkable how we all somehow resonate. How I adore the whole cumulative thing!

    Feel better, Silver. For yourself mostly. For your family, friends, and clan next. And then for all of us out here in bloglandia, who zing and vibrate right along with you because you’ve touched our souls with your words.


  8. I was in the middle of moving when I was attempting “The Great Release Challenge”. I did what I could but this is a great follow up. Thank you for this.


  9. It’s nice to see the posts again it always picks me up to read a post from you Silver

  10. We don’t get the snow in Florida, but the short days, cold weather (well 68 degrees is cold for us!) and overall dreary gray days do get me down too. Some great ideas – thanks!

  11. I really appreciate your readings and I will put it into practice of getting rid of the winter blues! Thank you so much! You are a great inspiration to me.

  12. this is awsome silver, i have been doing alot of this all alonge. I have also been writing my own affermations for the areas of my life that need tweeked..i post them up on the cupboard door for a week so i see and read them everytime i walk into the room, which is a billion times a day…..was also wondering how your bedroom is comeing and pic’s please!!

  13. Love these suggestions! Ive just broken out of a bit of the winter doldrums myself — tip one really helped! Looking forward to moving onward and upward with my new plans. You can almost feel spring a little more with each passing day!

    Bright blessings 🙂


  14. Hi, I am looking to obtain copyright permission for one of your poems, see below, for my upcoming book. thanks

    From the dawn of your birth
    To the sunset of your death
    I honor you.

    From the missions you completed
    To your duties left undone
    I honor you.

    From the seasons of your being
    Through the cycle of your life
    I honor you.

    From your time beyond the veil
    Lie your entrance back again
    May the angels support you
    May my healing love reach you
    From this moment until the end of time
    So Mote It Be.

  15. i had just picked up a bag of river rocks down at the family dollar about a week ago, i thought they would look good on my altar–well now they are gonna be put to work!

  16. This is just the ritual I need in such a cold month! I’ve incorporated the tall, red taper candle I’ve been burning since Imbolc; and light it now when I begin the affirmation/contemplation. Thank you for a great and effective spell!
    I’ve been out of the loop since I’ve been away from my computer. But by reading others comments about you, I hope that all is going well and looking up. Spring is almost here! And with your help, the sun feels closer than ever.
    Blessed be, Silver!

  17. Hi silver its paul from az i wanted to fill you in on the 7 steps in az for some reason we are having a horrid coldfront there goes my tan for the winter lol. But its freezing maybe not nearly as cold as u guys r but coooold. I have been using my mind to bring me heat to keep me warm n it works always. A blessing. Smile. Hey i wonder who gave me this idea u knw the always works always a blessing. Done. Smile. Could that have been you? N by the way i gave this idea to my wife when she is having bad pain n it worked for her. Its a beautiful thing the concious and subconconcios being in balance with each other. Good news in az is on mon and tues it will get warmer so i will send u some of that az sunshine n u can use it for whatever u like. How are you n ur family doing? How r the animals doing? N how is ur garden i hope it is safe n i hope all of u r ok n doing well. By the way have yu been to any flea markets latley lol i read that book. Love And Light. Ur friend Paul:)

  18. Little Background: I’ve been researching spinning wheels, hoping to find a decent used one for around $200 – max that’s in the budget at the moment. I started Hedge Witch yesterday and read to page 19 on my lunch break. Based on just that little bit, last night about 10pm I went outside, looked at the alpaca barn, looked up at the starts, generally stood there grinning and feeling all is right in my wonderful life. Then, out loud I said, “I want a new Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel. It always works. Always a blessing. Thank you.”

    This morning at 7:30am a friend of mine emailed me a posting for a brand-freakin-new Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel. For $200. I pick it up next week.

    I’m thinking I’m going to like this book.

  19. Hey im new to the Craft only 11 lol but im LOVING these new ritual tecniques. But another thing that i do to chase away the winter blues is to completely change my alter set up AND the alter itself. Inspiring and all that. lol sorry its long great to see your posting again Silver!Blessed Be!

  20. Its great to see you back again Silver. I kept the Release Challenge going for an extra 2 weeks but I’ve started to let things slide again so this is just what I need to get me out of the doldrums. Winter can really get me depressed; but only if I let it.
    I’m starting the seven day Program on Monday and then I think I’ll go back to the Release Challenge again.
    I did alot but there’s lots more to do.
    Thank you for Beat the Winter Blues. Its just what I need to get me up and running again.
    I’ll post again with the results.
    I hope all is going well with you and your family and I still smile when I remember the story of the Rat Palace!
    Love and blessings.

  21. Silver, You give great advive and excellant ways to achieve the most we can accomplish through your wisdom. You are my inspiration in your website and in your books. Thank You so much!

  22. hi silver i have been a fan for many yrs. now ever since my mother gave me a few a your book’s yrs ago i find your writing’s very empowering & inspirational as well i have the protection,love,& prosperity book’s of your’s & use them often especially the diffident moon phases & perfect time for casting times your awesome in my book well anyways blessed be

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