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Silver RavenWolf’s Crow Crossroad’s Spell Candle Company on Etsy Great Release Program Catch Up



It has been almost a month since we finished the Great Release Program!  The two weeks after the program, my daughter’s and I continued to clean, dump, give away, move, reposition, realign, and change!  It was refreshing but, man!  It was a lot of work!  My studio, the home of my Spell Candle Company, was the worst of the house offenders — taking a full week to reorganize and streamline so that I could create without going crazy!    Actually being able to shut the closet door was an accomplishment of worldly import.

We added several new candles to the line, revamped all the wax melt formulas and labels, and began offering magickal pinback buttons that you can wear just because, or use on conjuring and gris-gris bags.

Silver RavenWolf
Learning to take clear photos of a 1.5 inch pinback button in the deep winter here in the woods has been an interesting challenge!

I also did two different sets of “walk-through” on Instagram, showing how I make the candles and wax melts.  Learning to dictate (argh) on the phone was…interesting.  The voice ap doesn’t exactly understand my evidently garbled diction!

One of the benefits for me this year with the Great Release Program was allowing myself to boost the color and freedom in my digital art.  I tend to be too serious, too perfection oriented…too…sigh…colorless (sometimes).  Being forced (by myself of course) to create art every day for the program was a challenge.  Yet, when I went back to working on the Spell Candle Company material, something wonderful happened!  My work turned into more lively, more eye-popping with color than ever before.

Silver RavenWolf

Silver RavenWolf

Silver RavenWolfNow that it has been almost a month, how has participating in the Great Release Program assisted you?

In service



Llewellyn Author of over 23 magickally enchanting books. Braucherei practitioner. Artist, photographer, quilter, chandler, doll maker and lover of genealogy. Visit her WhisperMagick online shoppe at

25 thoughts on “Silver RavenWolf’s Crow Crossroad’s Spell Candle Company on Etsy Great Release Program Catch Up

  1. I know that one , it never fails to wonder , where and how did we get all this stuff , I don’t think we can out give the Gods. I’m glad you have it all under control.

  2. I still have company. My Mom is staying with us (has been for 2 months.) until this weekend. Our house is 850sq/ft, and there are 4 of us and a large dog :). Now there are 5 of us, and it definitely makes a difference. Though I followed along as good as I could, I feel like I want to go through again. Especially protection! Things are breaking…car was in the shop twice! Coincidentally though, right before the first car bill I was paid a bonus :). So, things are moving. I do feel the big purges were beneficial, and I look forward to doing them again to really get the house cleared. I have two new projects that i want to start. It seems they were a long time coming…. :). Thank you again!

  3. I threw away and organized everything but 3 tubes of pictures, Ho Hum! When I get to soting I realize how many loved ones have passed and I am the oly child and no children (due t0 a tubal pregancy). it makes it so hard to know i am the only one left. My Grandmother was a kitchen witch and many ancestrial saying and little things let me to research my grandmothers spell, I found a 1863 fanily bible and securely in pages was little notes I thought nothing off and I became very curious, and now that I have read your 1st book, I am the one she passed the majick on too! There are many flowers , such as Dandylions and things pushed was in between the pages. I just love it! I haven’t made it through the whole bible t=but that must of been where she keep her book spells! So many things like to get a splinter out of finger, wrap a piece of bacon around the finger wrap with cloth and leave on 2 hrs or so and the splinter should pop right out. My grandmother was a cook for a Juvinal prison in Grafton West Virginia, My family came over on the mayflower the Drainer side. I am so very proud of this heritage. If I had a way to send to you I would send a picture of her house in Prunytown, W.Va. As kids we loved that house, The house was used in the civil war as the courthouse. I love haring this with you a friend of mine, when we see a scheudule would love to come to your shop and partake in a seminar. Thankyou for coming into my live. Thing are gettins so cleared in my mind as well as my house. So this is wat I got from the release program andI am making an order for many candles. Can’t wait!

  4. I still have two closets to go through but the rest….so freeing! My small apartment has some room to breathe now. I tossed a lot, re-grouped and reorganized and what a difference. Thank you so much, Silver, for the inspiration and the push to get this going. You were the first witchy author I read that started me on my path (Solitary Witchcraft-my bible!) and will always be my favorite Witch! Blessings and love.

  5. I’m still throwing, moving and organising. I don’t have much clutter – I’ve always been good at only keeping what’s necessary – but there are a lot of areas that are out of control and in need of general cleaning and organising. It’s still going very well for me. I’m amazed by how much mess one person and one black cat can make! 🙂 I’ve also purchased the house next door, in addition to the one I live in, which is a great opportunity to go through absolutely everything and make sure that it’s in the right place. I’ve found a perfect meditation place as part of the process. The energies are perfect. There are lots of other changes going on and I’m flowing with them as best I can. It’s all good.

    The release programme has also left me with other good habits, like the morning devotion/prayer habit and adding magic to my day more frequently than I would have otherwise. Thanks again 🙂

  6. This my second year, and I love it!!!! I could feel and see the changes from the beginning! Thank you very much!!!!

  7. it help me instead of going crazy with worry move thing around and be a little more positive

  8. It’s assisted me a great, great deal and still does – we’ll be moving by February / March which of course means reorganizing, packing, but also tossing away things, giving away stuff, etc. And the Release Program was a GREAT start for me which I continue.
    Especially with books that I want to give away but have nowhere to, well, give away… we haven’t got charity shops here or anything similar, so I set them free at the tram, bus or train station whenever nobody’s looking. 😀 In the hope that someone will take one or two and enjoy them. I’ve got a big bag full of books ready to go, so I’ll be spreading them all over the place soon. 🙂

  9. well slowly but surely it is happening. ( the organizing) We where in synch because I was trying to release all these bad relationships and organize at the same time. whew! the weird thing is once I let go I was able to organize little areas at a time. ( I have so much stuff!) and a lot of stuff it I really value. (especially my books) well last night I was going crazy over how to release this guy I’ve been struggling with I almost released him during the release time and then I took him back I was perplexed by my behavior. then all of a sudden it occurred to me, it’s been two years and if you we’re in love with him you would definitely would know it by now!. you gave him chance after chance to get it right and he did crap by you! so now I feel resolved and comfortable like I did the best I could. he’s just a broken person who I should feel compassion for! I don’t blame him we just live on two very different NOW! i’m working on my house and my room and I’ve dedicated 3 months to my health..I have some health problems. And I have to release some bad habits. I cleared my schedule and dedicated my time to getting well. so this is been my release project. :).i wasn’t capable of doing much because I was grieving over other relationships and trying to release this person…good news…I finally turned him over to universe to meet someone who will truly make him happy! may everyone truly be blessed!

  10. Everything seems to be falling into place for me so far this year. I am also still throwing things away. Today closed a sad chapter in my life with the passing of my beloved cat of almost 15 years….I’m hoping I now have a little ball of lion-like sunshine in the Summerland to guide me in my new endeavors, and to guide me through my grief…Kind of wishing the program was still going! Blessings

    1. Hi Amy, so very sorry to hear about the passing of your kitty. It is never easy on us to lose a beloved fur-baby as they do tend to become a big part of our lives. Kind wishes & blessings to you.

  11. The Great Release Program is just what I needed to get me moving in a better direction. I was getting back to where I wanted to be. Doing the LBPR every morning and drawing a rune card for the day. I really enjoyed the Braucherei morning ritual. I continue to do this now. With the death of my husband in hospice care (soon to be 6 years) and in the summer the hospice care and death of my father really threw a monkey wrench into my life. A Scott Cunningham book lead me to Silver and I am fortunate to have every one of your books 🙂 Life has finally settled down enough to finally get back to where I want to be. Your program has gotten me started back again and I am feeling better than ever!! Now to convince the teachers at my youngins school that they should show the same respect to their students and they command from them…life just might be perfect! Enjoy your blogs and looking forward to diving into Lesson 1!!!
    Blessed Be

  12. It was great! Thanks so much for facilitating these releases, Silver! I unloaded a lot of junk that I don’t need and I sure am sleeping better! I am still continuing to downsize and get rid of stuff that I don’t need and that does not serve me any longer.

  13. Your program keeps me going. I don’t always keep up. Different health reasons. But I enjoy trying. It challenges me to keep on working on everything.
    Thank you Karen

  14. Revamped the fire altar, put away all the Yule deco and put everything back in place. its good to be done with the ‘heavy lifting’ because I am back in school until Sept when I graduate. busy, busy busy!! =)

  15. Thank you again for giving me guidance. I was vacuuming on Wednesday and was chanting as I go 😀 Didn’t even realize it. Went on a 5 day break camping by the sea after New Year with 2 of my friends, sat on the rocks and just listened to the waves breaking, the Moon was full, it was beautiful just to let go. No responsibilities for a whole 5 days. The release Program is like a energy injection for me, I love it. Bless you in all your ventures this year, it’s going to be great.

  16. Continuo ogni giorno a fare pulizia e ad eliminare cose che non servono più. e in effetti l’atmosfera in casa si è fatta più leggera e anch’io mi sento molto meglio,
    di nuovo grazie

  17. I’m still cleaning out, clearing out, and rearranging. Strega and I still do the ritual every morning. I told my clan it will be mandatory for the 2015 program.

  18. Wow, very good to read, that a lot of people did the same like me. I did the release program, and I do mostly the Braucherei in the morning, while I am driving to work. And since 3 weeks we renovate, we seperate a sleeping room into two kid rooms. Well done. Looks very nice, and the kids are happy! Many thanks to the gods! Helped very much. We are still decluttering, due to we have not more the storage possibilities we had. But it works well. Up and downs, due to dust and mess. What I always tell, if it is clean, everything runs well. Mess only blocks us! So always to clean. But what I want to do. Every week, a half hour decluttering! I reserved the whole year to get all parts of our house cleansed, the basement, the garage…… so hopefully until January 2016 everything will be done! Thanks a lot dear Silver! Love to all. Kristina

  19. Wow! Congratulations! I remember when you were posting How-To’s on candle making here & there; now you have a full blown shop! It’s wonderful to see how it’s helped you grow more & more each year.
    So far, we have had many wonderful blessings! I’ve noticed my visualizations are much stronger & we are finding the answers & solutions to things that were affecting us negatively last year. One of the many important things I took with me from the Challenge this year was taking things one step at a time. I’m the kind of person that wants to get everything done in one go, but I just don’t have the time for that these days. Doing what little I can & setting small goals for the day have made me much more productive.
    Blessed be & thank you once again!

  20. A question for Ms Silver RavenWolf , thank you in advance for your answer.
    The world is full people who call themselves witches and wizards and offer their services to people. How can we surely know who’s a real specialist and who is fraud? Common sense doesn’t help. For years I payed people to help me (my case problems are very old , odd and difficult) and I haven’t seen any results.
    I even tried myself for almost 2 years to practice witchcraft with no results at all.
    I am tired of fraud , I lost a lot of time ,money and ilussions.
    Can you provide some names? I am not a girl trying to lure boys, my case is really odd, bad and it lasts for DECADES.
    Thank you again.
    Sincerely, Daniela

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