littlehealercoverLittle Healers – Dollies and Spirit Animals for Surgery and Recovery
by Silver RavenWolf

Over the last year, I have made several Little Healers to accompany friends and coven mates during their hospital sojourn and recovery.  Whether it is an outpatient procedure or a long haul rehabilitation/treatment center, having a blessed and empowered object given by a friend or relative close by brings an amazing amount of comfort to the patient.  Small dollies, stuffed spirit animals, and sachets designed specifically to avoid running afoul of hospital rules and regs can ensure that the magick you so carefully constructed isn’t taken away from the individual when they emotionally need it most.  Here are some of the tips and techniques I have used to bring healing and love to those who have faced trying surgeries and hospital stays.  From here on, I refer to these dolls, sachets, and animals as “Little Healers.”

The Rune Mysteries Card and Book Set by Nigel Jackson & Silver RavenWolf

Choosing the Right Energy for Your Little Healer:  When I first hear of a need, I do a rune cast. My question always is:  What Runic Energy does (the person’s name) need now and through the surgery to promote good health, protection, and healing?  I pull three rune cards (as shown in the picture), or I cast the runes choosing the three in the center.  In this case, I only use the face-up runes, and I turn all runes upside right.  Either way (cards or lots), these three runes speak of the energies needed in the individual’s life.  I do not use them as a predictive vehicle.  Once I have the three runes, I keep the images close by as I am working on the Little Healer.  Sometimes I stitch them directly on the front of the Little Healer, or I might put them on the sigil that I place inside the body of the doll or animal.

How Much Time Do You Have to Make Your Little Healer?  Elective surgery often gives you a window of opportunity to choose colors, timing, and style of your Little Healer – emergency surgery, accident, or sudden illness – not so much.  I particularly like making felt Healers because I can sew them if I have time, or glue them if I don’t.  When in a rush (and sometimes to ensure things stay put), I use a hot glue gun because the felt stays together better.  For elective dates, mark the event on your calendar so that it doesn’t creep up on you!  Life can get busy, and all of a sudden your coven mate says – “Oh, yes, my elective surgery is on Monday”, and today is Sunday.  Argh in a handbasket, right?  If you really get into making Little Healers, you might like to whip up a few and set them aside for just such an emergency.  Granted, the colors won’t match the procedure (yes, you can do that), but, the Little Healer will function just as well.  Leave the body cavity open so that you can plug in the right runes for the patient.

In-Hospital/Rehab RulesChoosing Materials for Your Little Healer – All medical establishments have rules on what a patient can have with them, when, and where.  These rules aren’t always the same.  The procedure, too, may dictate the supplies or ingredients you choose.  To sidestep difficulties, make sure your Little Healer is not adorned with any metal (avoid pipe cleaners/chenille sticks), and all herbal inclusions (if permitted) are non-toxic. My go-to choices are a blend of lavender and lemongrass or lemon verbena — all three fragrances are uplifting, healing, and combine well.  Check to make sure the patient doesn’t have any herbal allergies or extreme dislikes.  For example, my daughter hates lavender so whenever I make anything for her I avoid that plant.  If using dried herbs, bruise them slightly to release their fragrance.  Although the Little Healer can’t go into a sterile area, many establishments will allow the patient to put a religious or comfort item right outside the sterile range.  Have the patient check first before surgery day – and don’t worry, people want to take the Little Healer with them and, they will ask.  Most facilities will find some sort of happy medium for the patient.

I used lollipop sticks instead of pipe cleaners in this design to give the doll a little stability.

If for any reason the doll can’t go with the individual, try to schedule a time when the patient can at least hold the Little Healer for a few minutes.  Ask the patient to breathe on the prepared Little Healer several times.  When you are able, place the doll/animal/sachet on your altar along with a lock of the individual’s hair on top. This is to make the connection to the patient during the procedure. Surround the doll with sea salt – this is to prevent any negativity from tainting the connection. At the time of the surgery, you can burn three white candles surrounding the Little Healer in a triangle formation.  For added protection, place the Little Healer on a copper plate or tray, or in a circle of wired copper.  Leave the Little Healer in place for at least a week after the surgery – more, if massive healing is required.

You can also pack a hospital bag for the Little Healer.  This is a conjure bag that can be placed with the doll at a later date (during recovery) that contains gemstones and additional herbs, depending on the length of the hospital stay.  And, I admit, to add a cuteness factor?  I’ve used little doll suitcases or miniature purses.

Choosing Timing and Colors –– What Type of Surgery/Therapy? Is a crucial question.  Each area of the body is ruled by an astrological sign and its associated planet.  When planning a surgery, it is best to avoid the dates when the Moon is in the sign that rules that segment of the body where the surgery will occur.  I use Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide to gather the astrological information I need.  For example, if you are having facial surgery, you would avoid those dates when the Moon in Aries.  It is believed that the Moon pulls blood to the region that the Moon rules, heightening the sensitivity.  (Claudius Ptolemy-  Tetrobilios 140 AD). However, if you are doing healing work for the face, it is best done when the Moon is in Aries.

Below, I have provided a cursory list of parts of the human body associated with the astrological signs in case you want to print this article off and put it in your BOS.   Check the type of surgery, and then match the astrological sign. Use the Moon in that sign as the timing for making your Little Healer if you are afforded plenty of advance notice.  Use the color of the sign as the primary colors for your Little Healer.  If you want more detailed information, for example, shared rulerships of body segments, research under the topic of medical astrology on the internet.  Also, for quick information, just Google your question.  For example, type in:  What astrological sign rules the eyes? in the search bar.

Aries – Crown of the head; cranium, forehead, eyes, motor centers of the brain, upper jaw, upper teeth, facial nerves, and Adrenal glands (shared with Libra and Mars).  Color:  Primary Red.  Planetary Ruler:  Mars.

Taurus – Lower head, lower teeth and jaw, vocal cords, Adam’s apple, salivary glands, thyroid, neck, cervical nerves, throat, upper esophagus, swallowing reflex, epiglottis, jugular vein, carotid arteries, and tonsils.  Color:  Red-Orange  Planetary Ruler:  Venus

Gemini – Bronchial tubes, upper lungs, shoulders, clavicle, scapula, arms, radius, ulna, hands, bodily capillaries, speech centers of the brain, and peripheral afferent nerves.  Color:  Orange  Planetary Ruler:  Mercury.

Cancer – Lower Lung, breast, stomach, lower esophagus, uterus (when pregnant) meninges and pleura, thoracic duct, rib cage, sternum, scapula, elbow, armpit, pancreas (shared with Virgo), diaphragm, temperature regulation, hypothalamus, thalamus, posterior pituitary, gums, solar plexus.  Possibly bone marrow (there is debate).  Color:  Orange-Yellow  Planetary Ruler:  The Moon

Leo – Heart, aorta, dorsal vertebrae, general spinal alignment, spinal sheaths, gallbladder, longissimus, latissimus dorsi, transversalis, heart muscles, forearms and wrists.  Color:  Primary Yellow  Planetary Ruler:  The Sun

Virgo – Upper intestinal organs, liver, pancreas, spleen, upper intestine, colon, immune system, automatic nervous system, sympathetic nerves, portal vein, and fingers.  Color:  Yellow-Green  Planetary Ruler:  Mercury

Libra – Kidneys, ovaries, lumbar spine, buttocks, sense of balance, acid-alkaline balance, salt and fluid balance, adrenal glands.  Color: Green  Planetary Ruler:  Venus

Scorpio – Excretory system, nose, bladder, sphincter, cervix, neck of uterus, genitals, urethra, colon, rectum, anus, sweat glands, sacrum, brim of pelvis.  Color:  Blue-Green  Planetary Rulers:  Mars and Pluto

Sagittarius – Hips, thighs, femurs, arterial circulation, lower spinal nerves, buttocks (shared with Libra), coordination, motor nerves, sacrum, coccyx.  Color:  Primary Blue  Planetary Ruler:  Jupiter

Capricorn – Knees, patella, skin, ligaments, tendons, cuticles, skeletal system, joints, and bones.  Color:  Violet  Planetary Ruler:  Saturn

Aquarius – Ankles, shins, venous circulation, oxygenation of the blood, the general quality of blood, electrical body system, spinal nerves (with other signs).  Color:  Purple  Planetary Rulers:  Saturn and Uranus

Pisces – Feet, toes, lymphatic system, parasympathetic nervous system, sleep, supernatural etiologies, extracellular matrix, cellular hydration, and lymphatic matrix (shared with Virgo).  Color: Red-Purple  Planetary Rulers:  Jupiter and Neptune

In my experience, your Little Healer gets an extra boost if you take the time to craft it when the Moon is in the sign associated with the medical procedure as well as including the matching color of that sign.  If you are in a rush and don’t have the corresponding colors– use white or a significant portion of white.

Advanced Info:  For those of you who like all the nuances of magick – make your Little Healer when the Moon is in the matching sign of the body area, and all aspects to the Lights (Moon and Sun) are positive in nature.  Try to stay away from Moon Void, Mercury, Venus, or Mars retrograde (unless this is an emergency or you weren’t notified in time) and hard aspects to Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, or Pluto.  The critical degrees of 0 and 29 of any sign should be avoided for the birth of your Little Healer, as well as 24 degrees Taurus and 19 degrees Scorpio, both of which are considered unsuitable (malefic and highly unstable).

What Style or Image to Choose – is entirely up to you. Human figure, bunny, happy monster, chicken, bear, favored totem animal – images considered animated rather than stagnant seem to work best.  You can pick something the patient adores, or surprise them.  You can find many designs on Etsy, like this fun dolly pictured below (although I made a few changes to suit my needs) from MMMCrafts.

I bought this design from MMMCrafts on Etsy.  However, I did not use any metal in the doll.

Or the Red Healers, fashioned after a Youtube Video from Russia.

The Red Healer dolls are mostly tied with little stitching.  They go together super fast!  Be sure to check out that video!

In tune with spring, I have included my Miss Maude Lolly chicken design for your convenience, showing you what my creative process looks like when I draw my animals on graph paper.  This new creature is based on my Lolly-Lolly stuffed chicken design that I offered last Spring.  Lolly-Lolly was initially crafted to match the Braucherei Chant: “Lolly-Lolly Chicken Dirt, by tomorrow it won’t hurt!”  There are no wings on this bird for two reasons:  I wanted room to place the Runes on the chest, and crafting time.  You can always add wings if you like.  And, yes, this is a legitimate Pow-Wow charm that really does work.

Miss Maude Lolly designed by Silver RavenWolf — pattern constructed for felt projects

I used the temporary fabric adhesive to hold the polka dot cloth in place on the felt until I stitched it in place.  The runes are machine embroidered on the felt.

missmaudechickenSigil – every Little Healer I make carries a circular or square sigil drawn on paper within the body.  The finished design is dressed with either Kyphi Oil, Universal Fluid Condenser, or Full Moon Water.  The Full Moon water is previously prepared during the full moon of the corresponding moon sign of the surgery. This is water poured in a silver bowl that is placed so that the moon’s light reflects on the water for as long as possible.  It can also be rainwater collected close to a particular full moon (definitions differ depending upon training of practitioner).

Full Moon Water
This water was made in an outdoor ritual circle during a Virgo/Pisces Full Moon.

The sigils I choose vary, highly dependent upon my gut feeling while I am making the Little Healer.  I have provided a basic healing sigil that you can use.  Add whatever information or designs you like, including the patient’s name and birthdate if you have it.  Once drawn, I hold the sigil over fire to bring it alive.  The paper is then stuffed in the core of the body to prepare the connection to the patient.

Healing sigil for inside Little Healers designed by Silver RavenWolf

Birthing Your Little Healer – Once the structure of your image is complete, it is time to “birth” the Little Healer.  You will give your creation its mission of good health, healing, and protection for the specified person during the surgery and recuperation process.  If this is a chronic issue, you can direct the Little Healer appropriately.

Dawn is a particularly good time for birthing; but, I’ve also had success with the noon hour.  Blow on the mouth of the image three times, then whisper its “mission” or “designated task” three times.  You can also use a pattern of three breaths, the repetition of the task three times, followed by three breaths, the task three times again, and then three more breaths closing with the thrice mission repetition.  Entirely up to you.  Both techniques have worked well for me.  You can create your own ceremony, or you can keep its birthing short and straightforward.

You may wish to complete your ceremony with a candle burning working.  I like using my newest candle formula — Mrs. Pickles’ Helm of Awe Rune Stave Candle that contains Dragons Blood Resin to protect against disease and misfortune while the patient undergoes surgery.  You can choose any candle you desire that you feel best fits your intent.

Silver RavenWolf

If you would like more formula or technique options, you may find two of my books helpful in constructing your Little Healer — The Witching Hour for herbal formulas and timing, and Poppet Magick which includes a variety of patterns for healing and other magickal use.  Both of these books can be purchased through my WhisperMagick Shoppe, on Amazon, at your favorite magickal shoppe, or through Llewellyn World Wide.mynewbook

Silver RavenWof's Poppet Magick and Spirit Animal Book

To me, the two most dynamic energy currents of the Little Healer consists of the chosen runes and your desire to craft with love and intention.  When someone is ill, there is nothing more genuine and loving than the construction and gifting a Little Healer.  You may think yourself not an artist, or that something so insignificant may not carry great weight – but, truly, your little bit of shared love, that sweetness of pure compassion, wrapped up with stitches, glue, and cloth affects both the seen and unseen in magnificent ways.

Go ahead!
Try it!

With Blessings

Books for Further Study:

Medical Astrology In Action – The Transits of Health by Judith Hill
Electional Astrology – the Art of Timing by Joann Hampar

Be sure to visit Silver’s WhisperMagick Shoppe where you will find herbal blends perfect for inclusion in your Little Healers!


How To Make Healing Dolls — Little Healers — Crafting and Magick for Surgery and Recovery

Posted in Simple Magicks

Jupiter Retrograde Spell Good Fortune, Protection Money Packet by Silver RavenWolf

Seven Herbs in the Packet Go --to Protect Your Money when Jupiter's Slow

Jupiter Retrograde Protection Money Packet

by Silver RavenWolf

copyright 2013/2017/2018

Many years ago a magickal friend of mine said, “Jupiter’s going to retrograde this week.  Be sure you have money in the bank, or protected somewhere.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because a Jupiter retrograde grows from within — it works on what you already have.  If you don’t have any money put away, the retrograde seems to be harder to deal with.”

“Does the money have to be in the bank?”

“It’s a good idea to have money there; but, if you can’t do that, you should take the highest denomination of paper money you have in your home, work some protection and good fortune magick with it, and then put your working in a secure place.”

“Like a jar or your wallet?”

“Yes; but, the rule is — don’t spend the magick money until after the retrograde is over…and it is better if, after the retrograde is finished, you give the money to charity as your action of gratitude for the protection and good fortune you received.”

Jupiter retrogrades on 10 April in the sign of Sagittarius, appearing to move backward until 11 Aug 2019.  Regardless of Jupiter’s direction, this planet always carries the title of “the Great Benefic”.  The difference with the retrograde is that the good fortune energies come from within.  A Jupiter retrograde is wonderful for the soul, allowing us to heighten our spiritual vibrations, striving ever forward for healing, wholeness, and harmony.  Opportunities that unfold during a Jupiter retrograde are usually the result of our thoughts, actions, and words in the past — now graciously unfolding to touch our lives in amazing ways.  Jupiter retrograde also gives a window of opportunity to restore the self as well as relationships with others.  This particular cycle is especially powerful as Jupiter is in its home sign, where it is most comfortable.  It will absolutely want to make changes to its core.  This is your chance to change to your fullest expression possible in marvelous ways!

The Jupiter Retrograde Good Fortune Money Packet presented in this article is designed to guard and improve your finances, income, savings, etc., during the Jupiter retrograde period.  It is very easy to make and can be put together in only a few minutes.  There are seven herbs, all with Jupiter correspondences, although some of the herbs listed, like dandelion root, have dual associations.  These herbs are:  Sassafras, Clove, White Sage, Nutmeg, Cinquefoil, Hyssop, and Dandelion Root.  In a Jupiter planetary hour, blend the herbs together in a small bowl, whispering an affirmative statement of your choice.  If you are lucky enough to have a three-pronged dandelion root — leave it as it is to include whole in your packet.

To hold your packet together, you will need red thread. This picture also shows a lucky dandelion root as it is split into three sections.

Use the highest denomination of paper money you have in the house to make your packet.  Fold the top of the bill down, and the sides in — as shown in the picture.  Place your herbs and the dandelion root on the money.  Blend the energies of the herbs together by softly blowing on them — visualizing them awakening and blending to your purpose.

After you have folded and wrapped your packet with the red thread, dress your money packet with Jupiter Oil.  If Jupiter Oil doesn’t feel right to you, use an oil or perfume of your choice.  The oil pictured below includes the same ingredients as the money packet, with the addition of Jojoba carrier and Honeysuckle fragrance.


You can add additional spellwork, such as a ritual of your choice, or you can simply secret your packet away in a drawer, special money box, a money jar, or in your wallet until Jupiter turns direct in August.  At that time, open the packet and scatter the herbs to the wind, thanking the spirits for your protection and good fortune.  You can spend the money, give it to charity, or purchase something nice for a friend or family member.

jupitersgaincandleYou can hand roll a Jupiter Candle — beginning with an orange core for opportunity cloaked with a purple outer covering.  Orange and Purple are Jupiter colors, vibrating to opportunity and the greatest good.  I dressed my candle with three magickal powders — Jupiter, the Sun, and Venus.  I also used Universal Fluid Condenser to ramp up the power (You can find instructions for these formulas in my Witching Hour book).   I can burn the candle either on a Jupiter Day in a Jupiter Hour before the retrograde — or I can place the candle on top of my spell packet and burn the candle as Jupiter stations and turns retrograde — which is 10:01 AM Pacific time on the 10th/ 1:01 PM Eastern Daylight.  I could wait and burn the candle mid-cycle when I’m feeling a little nervous if something appears to be stalling that I need (again using the Jupiter Day and Jupiter Planetary Hour), or I could burn the candle for slingshot magick (my term for doing magick as a planet stations and turns direct) on the 11th of August at 6:37 AM Pacific Time/ 9:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time.

This Jupiter retrograde, embrace the benefits of spiritual growth and the recognition and appreciation of your power and creativity within.  With every step, walk with delight toward your goals!   May Harmony embrace you each and every day!

Note:  Visit my WhisperMagick shoppe for Jupiter’s Gain Tea Candles, Herbal Blend, and Magickal Oil.  I also have a Jupiter’s Gain kit!